Chapter 3: the spark intensifies

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I enter the classroom with classmates Staring at me, apparently someone saw what happened and ran before the smoke cleared, so now everyone thinks I killed Phaze. I'd try to explain it, but they won't listen, no one has, why'd anyone Start too now?

My seat is behind Tylar, the guy from the opening ceremony, and in between Kyle, the swim captain, and a.. How do I describe it? A flora who's Staring at her desk, it doesn't have anything on it, but she diverts no attention away from it, eyes red from tears that could've only ran out because she ran out of water in her body. her mind must be flooded with thoughts about her- friend? Lover? Sibling? Whatever he is to her, it seems important.

Alright, I won't just tell everyone he's alive, there's no point, but she- Flora, needs to know, she's the same age as me, but because of her height and her attitude yesterday, she reminds me a lot of me, before the incident; so full of energy and joy, stripped away by death and flames, I'm really regretting my actions.

"Seems like you're regretting your actions." Phaze said as he was just- behind me. I don't know how he got there, but- like- how did nobody notice you? You're a dead man walking to everyone else here.

Flora looks up and at him; her eyes glistening with tears of joy. Everyone else Starts talking, stuff like "He's alive?" and "Was this a bad joke? Whoever Started this must be sick."

One guy's talking right to him.

"Dude! I thought you died!" Kyle blurted out as he turned around and went in for a hug, which Phaze dodges.

"Clearly not." He replied immediately, then he was hugged by flora, unable to dodge a hug from behind him.

"I- I thought you were-" she Started, with tears rolling down her face.

"Did you think I was dead too?" he asked as he turned, squatted down, and patted her on the head.

"You know I can't die that easily."

"Why were you late then?" Tylar asked, chair turned around.

"Well, she burnt my shirt off, and I'm not allowed to come in here without one."

"Oh, that's how you're playing this; alright. Well, if you're unharmed, that's all that matters." He said with little emotion before facing forward again. Then Derik was heard over the speakers.

"Could Alma Flammarum, Tylar Fulmen, Aaron Rigel, and Phaze please come to the office?"

I wonder why Phaze's last name wasn't called as I get up, so do Tylar, Phaze, and a lighter blue haired kid, presumably Aaron.

"What did you do this time brother?" Kyle asked him.

"I saw Phaze getting set ablaze and reported it to Derik."

"Oh, makes sense, you can go."

"Thanks?" he replied as he left with me and the other two.

We enter the office and see Derik pacing back and forth, before looking up and seeing us, he runs to hug Phaze, but as you'd expect by now, he dodges him.

"Come on, just once?"

"No, maybe if I was even slightly hurt; but I'm not."

"So please explain to me what happened then." Derik replied, going and sitting at his important-looking desk. I saw on the way in that he was the student council president.

"Alright so-"

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