Chapter 15: Flame Cooks

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As soon as we landed, we called Moon and she read our minds.

"We need to find out more about Reika." She said.

"Read her mind then." Flora said.

"Can't, she has a blocker like Phaze, made by him."

"Well, I guess we ask her?"

"Ask who what?" Phaze said.

"Oh nothing, definitely not digging up your past once more." Em said.

"AH! Em when did you get here?"

"Never left? You got off the plane with flora and I followed."

"Oh. Do you mind not telling Phaze our secret plans?"

"Well, he can do this thing called 'scanning' where he doesn't necessarily read your mind, but he scans it, so if you have an active thought, like an internal monologue, he reads that thought, you won't keep this from him." Em replied to me nonchalantly before turning to Phaze. "They want to know about you and Reika, in detail."

"Oh. As Moon can probably tell, I'm not keen on letting that information out to anyone. However, if you three girls share your pasts with each other, I'll tell you. Consider it a bonding exercise."

"What!? You know my past. Why do I need to share?" I ask Phaze

"We're close because we know each other's past. You know my past with Skylar and Charcoal, and I have a vague understanding of your past, we don't fully know everything about each other, but we're close enough to bond. I know each and everyone's past is uniquely traumatic, but if we know each other's trauma, we won't accidentally trigger each other, because if I mention something about an indoor campfire and a girl with blue eyes, she'll barely hold herself back from punching me because she knows I can't get hurt. If we hit traumatic triggers on missions, in combat, that bit of stun could kill us, or worse." Phaze said, and he's right about me barely holding myself back from hitting him.

"So, this is our homework? Have a deep chat between the three of us?" Moon said over the Phone.

"Em will also join."

"Why?" I ask

"Well, I know Phaze's past, so you won't have to wait for a story directly from him." Em said.

"I guess that makes sense, let's go set up at the hotel and then play at the beach!" Flora said.

So, we went to the hotel, and I was in a room with Flora, Moon, and Star. We then went to the beach. It's right beside the hotel, so it was fun, I enjoyed it, I talked with Star and Tylar a bit more, Star basically grew up with the Rigel's, and her last name was Chinbotsu-sen, which was vaguely familiar. Wait. I think I robbed them. I'll keep that to myself. Tylar has abs. So does every other guy on our team (Moon does too.), except Em, he was wearing a shirt so that's still up in the air. Back to Tylar, he was too afraid to touch the water in case his powers went off, electricity is not suited for the beach, so I played volleyball with him and Reika (she's cool, still don't know her past though.) Tylar beat using a two v one as he has super speed.

Near the end of the day, Phaze telepathically told us to evacuate the beach and everyone there.


"This is serious alma."


"She called me."


"The witch. And she's sending us a gift."

"Oh no."

"The gift's name is deus polypus."

"OH NO."

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