Chapter 16-The Cloud

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[Ready Room]

"Come in." said Kathryn.

"Captain, I understand that this nebula we've discovered is some kind of monster?" asked Neelix.

"Not a monster, Neelix, but it is a life form." said Kathryn.

"Excuse me if I sound crazy, because someone may have been playing a joke on me, but you aren't planning to take us back into the belly of this beast, are you?" asked Neelix.

"No joke." replies Kathryn.

"Why?" asked Neelix.

"Because we hurt it, and we have to help it recover." replied Kathryn bluntly.

"I did not come on board this ship to be a veterinarian, Captain." said Neelix.

"And I thought you were a man of unlimited talents." replied Kathryn.

"I just reached my limit. So if you don't mind, Kes and I will wait on board my little vessel for you to return." said Neelix indignantly.

"All our crews are busy preparing for this mission. I'm not pulling them off their duties to prepare your ship for launch. And I'm not going drop you off on the side of the road every time we hit a bump. When we finished, if you want to leave that's your business, but for the moment, find yourself a seat with a good view, because just like Jonah and the whale, you're going in." snapped Janeway, slightly amused.

"Is that final?" asked Neelix.

"Dismissed." said Janeway, Neelix didn't move. "That's a Starfleet expression for get out." she said.


"Jonah? Whale?" asked Neelix, Tessina who heard shrugged her shoulders.

A little later.

"Approaching the perimeter." said Tom

"Disengage impulse engines." says Kathryn.

"Impulse engines offline." said Tom.

"Engage thrusters one third." said Kathryn.

"Thrusters engaged." replied Tom.

"Red alert." said Kathryn.

"Shields are up. Adaptive harmonics are operational." Tuvok says, Tessina just grabs a PADD to read out of boredom.

"Density is already more than double what we encountered last time." said Tom.

"Great" said Tessina sarcastically. Tom smiles slightly.

"EM hull pressure is approaching dangerous levels, Captain." said Tuvok.

"Mister Kim?" asked Janeway turning to Harry.

"If my research is right, releasing positive ions through the nacelle should repel some of the dust out there." said Harry.

"Without causing further harm to the creature?" asked Kathryn.

"I believe so, Captain." said Harry.

"Very well." said Kathryn.

"Ion release confirmed." said Harry.

"Ambient density is dropping." Tom stated looking at the screen in front of him.

"Hull pressure is decreasing also." remarks Tuvok.

"Hold your course." said Kathryn.

"Fourteen thousand kilometres to the breach." said Tuvok.

"I can see it." said Tom.

"Magnify. Engineering, ready your nucleonic beam." said Kathryn.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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