Chapter 4-The Caretaker

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"She's regaining consciousness." A nurse said telepathically in some sort of hospital. "How do you feel?" asked the doctor telepathically to Tessina. "What am I doing here? Where am I?" she asked in her mind, as Harry woke up too, a nurse went over to him "please don't try to move yet. You are both very ill." she said, Tessina scoffs "ill? No, no. There's some mistake. I'm not" Harry trailed off seeing growths on his forearm and chest. "No!" yelled a woman, named B'Elanna., Tessina notices she's half Klingon, B'Elanna leaps off the bed, pushes the doctor away and tries to force open the door. The nurse summons help as B'Elanna beats up the doctor. Two medics enter and hold her as the doctor gives her a hypo to knock her out again.

"Captain's log, stardate 48315.6. We've traced the energy pulses from the array to the fifth planet of the neighbouring system and believe they may have been used in some fashion to transport Kim, Sevira and Torres to the planet's surface." said Kathryn in her log.

"Come in." said Kathryn in her Ready Room. "Captain, I've observed something peculiar about the pulses. They're getting faster." said Tuvok. "Faster?" asked Kathryn. "The interval between each pulse has decreased by point four seven seconds since we arrived. I can offer no explanation." said Tuvok. "That's only one of the mysteries we're dealing with, Mister Tuvok. Take a look at this." said Kathryn. A scan of the planet on her desk monitor. "It's virtually a desert. Not one ocean, not one river. It has all the basic characteristics of an M-class planet except there are no nucleogenic particles in the atmosphere." said Kathryn. "That would mean the planet is incapable of producing rain." said Tuvok. "I've studied thousands of M-class planets. I've never seen an atmosphere without nucleogenics. There must have been some kind of extraordinary environmental disaster. As soon as repairs are complete, we'll set a course for the fifth planet." said Kathryn going over and staring out the window. "Captain, you require sleep." said Tuvok.

"Kim's mother called me just after he left her. Delightful woman. He's her only son. He'd left his clarinet behind. She wanted to know if she had time to send it. I had to tell her no. Did you know he played clarinet in the Julliard Youth Symphony? And Tessina? I've known Tessina all 6 hours and I know she's the maternal cousin to Commander Troi, counsellor like her cousin and best friend to Tom Paris, did you know that?" asked Kathryn. "I did not have the opportunity to meet Mister Kim. As for Lt. Commander Sevira, I taught her once at the Academy to help her control her telepathy" said Tuvok. "I barely knew them. I never seem to have the chance to get to know any of them. I have to, I have to take more time to do that. It's a fine crew and I've got to get them home." said Kathryn. "The crew will not benefit from the leadership of an exhausted captain." said Tuvok. "You're right as usual. I've missed your counsel, Tuvok." said Kathryn "I am gratified that you came after me so I can offer it once again." said Tuvok. "I spoke to your family before I left." said Kathryn. "Are they well?" enquired Tuvok. "Well, but worried about you." said Kathryn. "That would not be an accurate perception, Captain. Vulcans do not worry." said Tuvok. "They miss you." said Kathryn. "As I do them." said Tuvok. "I'll get you back to them. That's a promise, Tuvok." said Kathryn.

"Captain's log, supplemental. The Maquis ship and Voyager have encountered a debris field where sensors have detected a small vessel. One humanoid life form is on board." said Kathryn adding to her Captain's log.

"Hail them." said Kathryn walking onto the Bridge. The viewscreen is covered in metal debris. Someone with spots and a mohican hair cut clears it. "Whoever you are, I found this waste zone first." said the man. "We're not interested in this debris, Mister?" asked Kathryn. "Neelix. And since you're not interested in my debris, well, I'm delighted to know you." said Neelix introducing himself. "Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation starship Voyager." Kathryn said introducing herself in return.

"A very impressive title. I have no idea what it means, but it sounds very impressive." said Neelix impressed. "Do you know this area of space well, Mister Neelix?" Kathryn asked. "I am famous for knowing it well. How may I be of service?" Neelix said.

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