Chapter 6-Parallax

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Lt. Commander Tessina Sevira was sitting in her office, scrolling through a PADD when Tom walked in holding two coffees, Tessina smiled, it was something they always did even at the Penal Colony in New Zealand, it seemed not much had changed, they were just 70'000 light years away. "Imzadi, be honest, do you think we're ever going to get home?" Tessina asked Tom "I don't know, it'll take us around seventy years, luckily most of have the chance of living to a hundred and twenty even over that age" replied Tom when Tessina's office door chimed "Come" she said and Chakotay walks in "I'm sorry to interrupt, Lieutenant, Commander" said Chakotay nodding to Tom and Tessina, Tom stood up "I was just leaving, Commander, Tess" he said "what can I do for you Commander?" asked Tessina "you're needed in Sickbay." said Chakotay.

Chakotay and Tessina were walking in the Hallway "you have a lot of questions, Commander, I suggest you ask them now" said Tessina "back there, you and Tom, what was that?" Chakotay asked "a coffee, we used to do it in the Penal Colony" replied Tessina "right, aren't Betazoid marriages normally arranged?" Chakotay asked, Tessina laughed "it depends on the families status or preference, my parents marriage was arranged, however they loved each other, my parents knew humans always fascinated me, I think they wanted me to experience things like humans do, heartbreak and stuff like that, but at the Academy I decided to distance myself from the humans." stated Tessina.

The two keep walking in silence when they arrive at Sickbay and enter, Tuvok is already there, Tessina sighs when she sees Carey, it means he's pissed B'Elanna off.

Lieutenant Carey sits up from the biobed, blood streaming from his nose. Kamisa is standing beside Chakotay and Tuvok, she looks annoyed. "She's not just out of control, she's out of her mind." said Carey "if you will explain what happened, Lieutenant." said Tuvok "she hit me is what happened!" snapped Carey.

Tessina rolled her eyes "that says it all" she remarks sarcastically, it seems like her cousin she could be sarcastic, a trait Deanna picked up of her father Ian, Tuvok and Chakotay side eye her frowning, Tessina shrugs. "Your nose is broken in three places. I'll need to reset the ethmoid fossa. Try not to move." said the Doctor pushing Carey down on the bed, who sat up once the Doctor had walked off to get something. "We were having a disagreement about the power grid. She wanted to realign the lateral plasma conduit. I told her that would cause an overload. As usual, she wouldn't listen. So I told her to step aside and let me handle it. She pushed me away from the console. I pushed back. Next thing I knew, I was lying on the deck with blood pouring down my face." said Carey.

Tessina snorted slightly 'good job B'Elanna' she thought, Carey tried to frown at her but failed, Tuvok looked at Tessina blankly. "Then what happened?" Tessina asked interested "she said, 'Sorry. Maybe you should go to Sickbay.'" snapped Carey when the Doctor came over again "At least she gave you some good advice. Now" said the Doctor. "Ow!" Carey said as the Doctor pushed him back on his back to treat him. "Hold still." said the Doctor "don't worry, Lieutenant. I'll take care of this." said Chakotay "you keep that woman out of my engine room and everything will be fine!" yelled Carey sitting up again making the Doctor push him back down again "ow!" Carey said.


Tessina, Tuvok and Chakotay are walking in the hallway.

"Where is Miss Torres?" asked Tuvok. "I've confined her to quarters." said Chakotay. "I would like her moved to the brig until formal charges can be filed." Tessina scoffed "formal charges? Come on, Tuvok. We're seventy five years away from the nearest court. Are you really going to hold her in the brig for that long?" she asked, her temper getting away from her "the Captain has the authority to try Miss Torres here on the ship, considering the extenuating circumstances." said Tuvok "well, I'd like to settle this on my own without filing charges and without involving the Captain." said Chakotay.

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