Chapter 9-Time and Again

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Tessina was sleeping in her quarters, when she wakes up sensing something, she quickly threw on her uniform, fixed her hair and pinned it back slightly, Tessina headed for the bridge, she stopped by the holodeck first, the holographic version of Betazed, it made her feel at home.

Meanwhile on the bridge, Tom Paris is handing over helm to his relief, a Starfleet woman. "Holding course three five one mark one zero, warp seven. We'll be passing a red dwarf system in forty minutes. I can't tell you if there are any M-class planets." said Tom, "You ready?" Tom asked "no, I really want to get on that transtator assembly diagnostic." said Harry. "Harry, I can't do this alone."

"I'm sorry." said Harry. "You're making a big mistake. Can't you see what's going to happen? We're the only humans out here, Harry. People are going to start pairing off, and if we don't get to the Delany sisters in Stellar Cartography soon, somebody else will." said Tom, he was in love with Tessina but didn't know if she felt the same, so he would never tell her, he's even blocked her from being able to see who's in love with. "I've got a girl back home." said Harry. "So what? I've got five." said Tom, all those girlfriends were to try and make Tom stop his feelings for Tessina. "I plan on seeing mine again." said Harry. Tom shakes his head. "Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry. You really think she's going to wait for you?" Tom asked. "I hope so." said Harry. "Let her go. Let her have a husband and kids and a good life, while you and I have the Delany sisters." said Tom. "I told you, I need to run a transtator diagnostic." said Harry, Tessina walked onto the bridge, Tom noticed her but didn't acknowledge her, Harry frowned in confusion little knowing he did "hello Imzadi" said Tessina as she walked past Tom, Chakotay noticed Tessina had given Tom the cold shoulder too and was curious about that "Imazdi, you're upset" said Tom, you see no-one on the crew knew Tessina and Tom could communicate telepathically "I'm fine" Tessina lied "don't lie to me Tessina Sevantha Sevira" Tom snaps, Tessina just smirks slightly and doesn't respond. "You need to run a self-diagnostic. Look, they come as a pair. It's a double date or no date. Come on. I told them all about you." said Tom. Harry looked up worried. "What did you tell them about me?" Harry hissed. "Well, for one thing, how you broke the single pilot speed record at the Academy." said Harry. "Record. I never broke any record!" exclaimed Harry quietly. "And who are they going to check it with?" asked Tom.

Something hits Voyager, starting it shaking. Kathryn and Neelix stagger in from the Briefing room. "Report!" said Kathryn. Tom hangs on in Harry's station while, Tessina holds onto the rail, while everyone keeps losing their balance "we're at the leading edge of a shockwave." said Tuvok.

Kes wakes from her sleep and sits upright. The shaking stops. "Minor hull breach on deck three. Contained. Shields are holding." said Harry. "Engineering is undamaged, Captain. All systems operational." said B'Elanna over the comm. badge, Tom takes back the helm and Tessina sits with him. "Mister Paris, can you identify the source of the wave?" asked Kathryn at the helm "I'm not sure. Scanners are picking up a debris cloud in the red dwarf system we're approaching." said Tom "it consists of differentially charged polaric ions, Captain." said Tuvok.

"Differentially charged? That would suggest a massive detonation. Are you familiar with any intelligent life forms in this system, Mister Neelix?" asked Janeway "familiar? Not exactly familiar. Considerably less than familiar, actually." said Neelix, Tessina raised her eyebrows. "Adjust course to investigate." said Janeway, "aye, Captain." said Tom. A short while later, Kes has dressed and enters the Bridge. "Entering the system Captain. Heading zero one zero mark four. Deflectors at maximum." said Tom. "Kes, what are you doing here?" asked Neelix "I had to know." replied Kes, "know? Know what?" asked Neelix.

"Tessina can you sense anything?" asked Kathryn, Tessina was about to answer when she started crying "they all died, burning, I can hear their screams, children yelling for their parents as ashes appear where they stood-" before she could continue Tom turned to her "Imzadi, close that part of your mind, do it!" Tom said, Tessina shook her head "please, don't be in pain" Tom begged her, Tessina replies with "alright" Kathryn looked confused, Tessina shook her head at Tom as if he'd asked her something without speaking. 

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