Chapter 2-The Caretaker

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Tessina, Tom and Harry enter. The doctor and a Vulcan nurse are dealing with a patient on a biobed. "Run a level three diagnostic, just to be sure." says the doctor, he sees Kamisa, Tom and Harry. "Can I help you?" he asks. "Tom Paris, reporting on board." said Tom. "Oh yes. The observer." said the doctor coldly. "That's me. As a matter of fact, I seem to be observing some kind of problem right now, Doctor." quipped Tom. "I was a surgeon at the hospital on Caldic Prime at the same time you were stationed there. We never actually met. Your medical records have arrived from your last posting, Mister Paris. Everything seems to be in order. The Captain asked if you were on board. You should check in with her." said the doctor, he turned to Tessina "and you are?" he asked "Tessina" she said coldly "ah yes, the Betazoid counsellor, the Captain asked if you were on board too, you should report to her" said the doctor."Er, I haven't paid my respects to the Captain yet either." said Harry. "Well, Mister Kim, that would be a good thing for a new operations officer to do." said the doctor.

Tom, Tessina and Harry were all walking in the corridor, "what was that all about?" Harry asked Tom. "It's a long story, Harry, and I'm tired of telling it. I'm sure someone around here will tell you before long." said Tom, Tessina didn't say anything, she knew what happened better than anyone, she knew the whole story, unlike Tom's own father.

A split level room with the higher part by the windows, so little Kathryn can stand there and be eye to eye with her crewmen. "The doctor called." Mark, Kathryn's fiancée on the monitor. "And?" asked Kathryn. "And I was right." said Mark. "She's pregnant?" Kathryn asked. "The puppies are due in seven weeks." said Mark. "Oh, Mark. You've got to take her home with you." said Kathryn. "With me? I just got the rugs cleaned." said Mark. "She's with child. I can't leave her in a kennel while I'm..." said Kathryn. "Is this another 'love me, love my dog' demand?" asked Mark. "Yes." said Kathryn. "How could I ever refuse you?" Mark asked rhetorically "thanks, honey." said Kathryn. "So, when are you leaving?" Mark asked curiously "as soon as I approve these systems status reports." said Kathryn not looking up. "All right. Then I won't bother you anymore." said Mark, causing Kathryn to look up and kneel down at the monitor "hey. You never bother me, except the way I love to be bothered. Understand?" she said. "I'll remember that." said Mark. "See you in a few weeks. Oh, Mark, go by my house and pick up the doggie bed. She'll be more comfortable." said Kathryn. "I already did, an hour ago." said Mark. Janeway blows a kiss and ends transmission.

Her doorbell to her Ready Room rings as she walks behind her desk "come in." she says. Tom, Harry and Tessina enter "Tessina and gentlemen, welcome aboard Voyager." said Kathryn, Tessina and Tom noticed Harry was tense. "Thank you, sir." said Harry. "Mister Kim, at ease before you sprain something. Ensign, despite Starfleet protocol, I don't like being addressed as sir." said Kathryn. "I'm sorry, ma'am." said Harry.

Tessina shook her head amused at Harry being so tense. "Ma'am is acceptable in a crunch, but I prefer Captain. We're getting ready to leave. Let me show you to the bridge." said Kathryn.

She lead the three onto the Bridge, and turned to Tessina "Tessina, you're seated right here on my left, feel free to have a seat" said Kathryn, Tessina nods and sits down, Kathryn turns to Tom. "Did you have any problems getting here, Mister Paris?" she asked. "None at all, Captain." said Tom "My first officer, Lieutenant Commander Cavit. Ensign Kim, Lt. Commander Sevira and Mister Paris." said Kathryn, Kamisa stood up "welcome aboard." said Cavit, he shakes Harry's hand, then Paris' and Tessina's reluctantly and walks away, Kathryn frowns at the rudeness, "I'll talk to him" she said to both Tessina and Tom "no need people do it quite often, they think I'll be able to read their minds through touch, they're wrong of course" said Tessina sitting down again and Tom just shrugged standing next to her chair, while Kathryn leads Harry to his station.

"Ensign Kim, this is your station. Would you like to take over?" asked Kathryn. "Yes, ma'am." said Harry. Rear of the bridge, on the right as we view it. "It's not crunch time yet, Mister Kim. I'll let you know when." said Kathryn smiling. "Lieutenant Stadi, lay in the course and clear our departure with operations." said Cavit as Kathryn takes her seat beside Tessina "course entered, Ops has cleared us." said Stadi "ready thrusters." Cavit ordered. "Thrusters ready." said Harry. "Initiate launching sequence." said Cavit. "Sequence underway." said Stadi. "Engage." said Kathryn.

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