||Chapter 9: Sleepover||

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Nicky rested his head on the desk,"Yeah. . .", Aaron nods,"He climbed out the window in his sleep.", Ivan blew away some saw dust,"Well, least you guys didn't get hurt or grounded, specially you three.", Trinity's parents were what you would call 'Helicopter Parents' they were always on Trinity's back, and Mya and Aaron?
Last time they were grounded, they didn't leave their house for 2 Weeks.
Enzo passed Ivan sandpaper,"But now I'm more confused; How the heck was he able to climb back in his sleep??", Aaron shrugged,"Dunno, same way he got out?", Mya snapped her fingers, shaking Nicky's shoulder so he'd lift his head,"Why not get a weighted blanket? One thing that causes sleepwalking besides lack of sleep is stress and a blanket like that could keep you to the bed and help with stress.", Nicky nods,"Okay, I'll keep it in mind.","Also getting sleep will improve your immune system.", since Nicky had a regular cold, it wouldn't surprise them if he got sick often as well.


Ike came to the security room,"Hey; No other way in expect for Aaron's little entrance and the main gate.", Ted nods, he finished getting the flashdrive out,"I'm gonna take this home, take it to my office and get footage for the last few days to see how long Nicky has been sleepwalking into here and how he got in the park to begin with.", Ike nods, thumbs up and left Ted to turn off the computers.
Looking around, a lot of stuff was left to rot or decay: He was glad Ted had gotten better and was planning to redo The Theme Park.
He came to stop at the golden statue.
No matter how much he looked at it, it didn't make sense.
"Hey, Ted? They ever tell ya why, this was the mascot?"
The statutory was strange.
If you had doll, it was some person in a dark blue jumper with a sack over their shoulder and a beak for a face.
"Nope; They didn't give much insight on it's origin: Figured it might be a form of. . . What do you call it?"
Theodore searched for the word, but his mind went a bit blank.
"Yeah, that."
"Or that Japanese God."
Both had no clue, but something about the statue creeped them out, maybe it was the look, how no one would elaborate on it and how it posed.
"Well, we get the footage so let's just head on."
Ike nods, taking the lead and holding the gate for Theodore.


"Long day?"
Luanne nods, sipping her coffee, a company was gonna swing by and get repairs done on this house finally.
"Hey, Mom?"
She turned to Nicky,"Uhm, can I. . . Invite Aaron and Mya over? Just for an hour or so, this weekend?", Luanne was silent, Nicky had asked this before, but gave up after his mom wouldn't budge.
But it was worth another try.
. . .
"Would they, be interested in a sleepover?"
Nicky paused, then glanced at his mom in shock,"Really?", she nods,"Yes, I do believe I've been. . . Harsh on your friends.", Jay watched as Nicky began to smile and hugged his mother.
"Thank you, Thank you!"
Luanne smiled, ruffling her son's hair.


Saturday Night, Mya and Aaron were in Nicky's living discussing what they're going to be doing tonight, and meeting Uncle Saul who was more than happy to talk to them more.

"I'm sorry again, Mr Peterson; For coming off rude or cold."
Mr Peterson, waved his hand,"It's no problem, I understand you were only looking out for your son, and I know I come off as quite intimidating.", Luanne nods, she still felt sorry and mad at herself for letting personal matters getting in the way.
Theodore held out his hand, offering a smile,"Though, I hope we can get along. I'm, not a very social person so, I'm not one to start conversations.", Luanne smiled, and shook his hand,"I'm not very social either, sir; It's not worries.", she probably should have put more effort in earlier.
"So I know my kids are safe with you and your husband, and your husband's. . . Brother?", Luanne nods, pointing behind her,"That's Saul.", Theodore nods, even though he was probably gonna forget that.
"Well; If there's any emergency, and you need to call me or Diana and we can't be reached, our emergency contact is Norman; Not Ike, no matter what Mya says."
Luanne knew Ike was the Radio Man, from what she heard from Jay he was a very laid back man.
"Something tells me this has happened before."
Mr Peterson nods,"They've gotten out of many shenanigans by using Ike as their 'Get Out Of Jail Free Card', so just to say before Mya does; Norman is the Emergency Contact: Not Ike.", as he said that, he leaned his head slightly and turning around she saw Mya hiding behind the corner with a guilty smile.
"And behave kids."
"Yes Dad. ;-;"


Diana smiled as Theodore came back,"So, how'd it go?", Theodore smiled,"They're nice, Luanne apologised for some of her cold behaviour though I understand she was probably just worried about Nicky.", Diana nods.
Ike came in, holding a tablet so Diana put her book down and Theodore walked over to join them.
"I got as much as I could on the tablet and the most recent night footage to see how Nicky's getting in."
So they gathered on the sofa, Ike sitting in the middle and started to play the clips.
. . .
. .


Jay was watching the kids play video games, talking about school, their club and their latest inventions.
Guess they had a neck for making things, like Nicky.
Then his phone dinged, checking it; A message from Ike.
Ike; Go into another room, I'm about to send you footage from a security camera: This is how Nicky was sleepwalking in the park.

Then he sent a file, Jay took his cup and left for another room.
He clicked the video.

. . .
Nicky was being directed by a man!
A man in a hat, mask and trench coat was directing to The Park.
Immediately Jay called Ike.

"Who was that?"
Ike gulped as Theodore looked through more footage,"We dunno; Apparently his name is ,Mr Smith', Quentin knows him apparently but the fact that he doing that; This confirms my worries he is dangerous: I haven't a slightest clue to why he was doing this.", Jay shuddered,"There's more footage?", "Yeah, Ted's going through it, Norman's already investigating him and let the police know to keep an eye out.", that did settle Jay's worries a bit.

Ike got off the phone with Jay, Theodore then held up the tablet and the footage place from 2 weeks again.
Smith leading a sleepwalking Nicky into the park. . . Then Quentin going after them, then coming out 10 minutes later with Nicky in his arms and running.
"What. . . He knew?!"
"Why didn't he tell us??"

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