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(One month ago)

Breathe Tasia.

The same two words I kept whispering to myself as I sat in this closet somewhere in the arts building. It felt like chest was caving in and my airways were constricting. My breathing was quick and rushed. Tears started to prick my eyes. I couldn't calm down.

"Fuck! W-why isn't it working!" I whispered to myself harshly. My shaky hands reached for my phone and I clicked on her number. It rang once, twice, and a third before she finally picked up.

"Hello? Did you forget your key agai-" I swallowing thickly trying to calm myself enough to speak. "R-Raji I need you" I whimpered attempting not to sob too loud.

I heard a bunch of shuffling and keys jangling "Where are you?? What happened??" The door slamming in the background made me jump a little bit. "Um i-in a closet. First floor. The arts building of my school. Please hurry I-I can't b-breathe" I stuttered.

"I'm right here pretty girl I'm about to be getting in my car right now. Don't hang up. I know it's hard but I need you to calm down for me okay? You're going to hyperventilate Tasia. In and out."

I nodded forgetting that she couldn't see me. Attempting to breathe and failing I got frustrated. "It's not working!" I cried.

"Shh listen to me. Look around the closet tell me 5 things you see."

I sniffled and looked around "Um paintbrushes, easels, the lightbulb, paper, and a cup."

"Good job mama. 4 things you can touch."

"The floor, my pants, the wall, my book bag" I listed off.

"3 things you can hear. Breathe Tay I'm almost there" My breathing started to become steady. "People moving outside, the lightbulb flicker, and the um air vents"

She hummed "2 things you can smell"

"The paint and glue"

"You're doing so good pretty girl. One thing you can taste?"

Wiping my face I responded "My gum"

Right after answering the door knob turned and she immediately came and wrapped her arms around me. The feeling of her holding me grounded me and the smell of her sweet perfume  calmed me.

My hands gripped the back of her hoodie. "Please don't let go" I mumbled. "I won't let go until you do pretty girl." She soothed.

After about 5 minutes I finally let her go. Her eyes scanned me over before she sat against the wall next to me. I rested my head on her shoulder and she grabbed my hand.

"What happened?" She asked softly. I bit my bottom lip and shook my head. "Can we go back to one of our apartments? I don't want to talk about it in here." She sighed and nodded. Standing up she pulled me up with her.

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