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I stumbled to the bathroom with a bottle of Hennessy in one hand and the other covering the gunshot wound in my arm.

I took a big gulp of the Hennessy before taking a deep breath. I peeled off the tight black shirt. I groaned once the air hit the wound. I took quick breaths. I took another gulp of the dark liquor before bracing myself.

"Ah!" I yelped as I felt around for a bullet. It went straight through. Thank god. I groaned in pain biting down on the shirt as I cleaned it and stitched myself up. I took a few more swigs of the Hennessy before leaning back in the door.

I cleaned up the blood droplets thanking god the floor wasn't carpet. I picked up my phone sending a text.

The contract has been completed.

I started putting everything away and disposing of the clothes, wig, gloves, and mask I wore making a mental note to pick up more masks and gloves from the warehouse. My phone buzzed shortly after.

Good work. No need to come in tomorrow for paperwork. Take some time off.

I sighed in relief. I grabbed my gun before going to my secret closet. I scanned my hand and it opened up. I had to remember to thank Maria for implementing everything so quickly.

I cleaned off my gun placing it on the rack before setting my knife belt in one of the compartments.

After closing it I threw myself on the bed hissing once I landed on my arm. "Shit!" I groaned. I laid down with my eyes closed before hearing my phone ring. I looked over and answered it. "What?" I asked not seeing who was calling. "Oh bitch I will block you!" I heard my best friend Regina say making me laugh.

"Sorry I'm in pain and would like to go to bed. What's up?"

"Well number 1 I was going to ask did everything go smoothly but it sounds like otherwise. Number 2 we are going to bar and having drinks Friday and you cannot say no. Call me if you need me to look at whatever wound you have now. Talk to you tomorrow!" She said hanging up the phone. I rolled my eyes before turning over and falling asleep.

A few hours later the sun practically blinded me once I woke up. I needed to order some blackout curtains immediately.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up. I examined my arm and the cream seemed to be working quickly. There was still a bad ache though. I got up and headed to the kitchen to make me some coffee. "Alexa play some music" I said out loud.

'Ain't no love' by Jay-Z started to play. I looked in the fridge and added grocery shopping to my list of things to do today. I grabbed eggs, butter, and cheese.

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