20. So Lucky (T)

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Surprise friends :)

Taylen's POV

It was late in the evening when Peter left. We ended up watching a movie and then we went for a walk around the property. Before we knew it, it was getting to be eight o'clock. I cooked a quick supper and then he left. I was still pretty worn out from the night before so I went to bed after a hot bath.

When the boys got home in the afternoon, Adam immediately sent Liam and Brayden into the corners of the living room. I shot him an odd look but greeted my other sons instead.

"Hey boys, how was your time at Aunt Liza's and Grandpa's?"

"It was fun! Aunt Liza made me cookies! And Grandpa took us to the river!" Everett exclaimed excitedly.

"That does sound like fun, baby! Did you have fun, Lucas?"

"Yes ma'am," he replied quietly.

I gave Adam another look, something was off with Lucas. He was shivering and his hair looked wet.

"Lucas, why don't you and Everett go and wash up? Supper will be ready soon."

They agreed and left the room.

"Okay, spill," I demanded as they were out of earshot.

"Boys, come over here and tell your mom why I'm about to take a belt to you," Adam said calmly.

Both boys slowly stepped out of their corners, shooting nervous looks at one another. They came over and stood in front of the two of us, shifting from foot to foot.

"Tell her," came the stern instruction.

I waited patiently for one of them to start talking. They were both keeping their eyes on the ground, only looking up to glance at one another.

"Start talking, now!" Adam reached behind them and gave each of them a hard swat.

"Uh, we were, uh, messing around," Brayden started, "and, uh, it got a little, um, out of hand?"

Brayden's hand went to the back of his neck while Liam stayed completely silent.

"Out of hand, how?" I asked, my voice lower than usual.

"We, um, started fighting. Then, um, Lucas tried to stop us because he was closer than Grandpa and he ended up in the water," the last part was said quickly as he took several steps away from me.

"You pushed Lucas into the river?!"

They winced and nodded.

"I cannot believe y'all!" I said exasperated, "Why would you do that?"

"He got in the way," Brayden whispered.

"You know what, back to the corner. You can eat when the rest of us are finished. Grandpa can deal with you then."

They scurried back to their respective corners, hands behind their backs, inconspicuously trying to cover their hind ends so they did not receive any unexpected swats.

I walked into the kitchen to see Lucas and Everett setting the table.

"Thank you, boys," I smiled at them, "Lucas, can I talk to you?"

"Sure, Mom," he followed me up the stairs.

When we got to his room, we both sat on his bed. I placed my hand on his knee and he studied it intensely.

"Can you tell me about what happened at the river today?" I asked gently.

"It wasn't really anything, Momma."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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