7. She Still Sings (P)

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Peter's POV

After being around Taylen's family for just five minutes, I decided that I really like them. Her boys are all very sweet and respectful. I could tell that she had been raising them right. The youngest one was a bit childish, but it was so cute. He was attached to someone at all times. Brayden acted a lot like he did when he was little. The only ones that I couldn't figure out were the twins. I knew that one twin got into a lot more trouble than the other. One of them kept getting a bit of attitude while the other one was quiet and respectful. Taylen was the close-to-perfect mom I expected her to be. It was no surprise really.

As we sat down to dinner, I was trying my best not to be awkward. I knew that Eliza really wanted this to be an enjoyable evening and I wanted it for her. Everett said the prayer and we began eating, it was fantastic. She had never made this for me before I don't think. Honestly, it's been so long, I don't even remember. Eliza complimented her on it and everyone agreed that it was really good. After I called Eliza, mom, Taylen and her shared a look. I couldn't decipher what the look meant, but I knew it wasn't good.

After that, Eliza changed the subject to Everett.

"Ev, how did it go with your mom last night?"

Everett's face formed a pout as he looked at her, "Not good. She paddled me."

"Oh yeah?" Eliza asked.

Everett nodded sadly, "Mhm, it really hurt."

One of the twins and Brayden both rolled their eyes at their little brother.

"You're not going to cheat on your tests anymore though, are you?" Taylen asked, giving him a 'mom look'.

Everett looked horrified, "No! I do not want to be spanked ever again!"

Laughs erupted from all of us. There was no way this kid was never getting spanked again. I've known him for less than an hour and can already tell he's an absolute handful.

"No, I'm being serious," Everett said, offended that we were laughing.

"Just don't be naughty and you won't ever be spanked again," Taylen said to him as she booped his nose.

"I just wished being cute worked," he threw himself back in his chair and crossed his arms.

Everyone began to laugh again.

"If only that worked, kiddo. I wouldn't have spent half my childhood sitting on a pillow."

"Trust me, if you weren't cute, I woulda spanked you a whole lot more," Eliza said in a joking manner.

I chuckled, "You know boys, I know your momma can hand out some pretty hard spankin's, but she wouldn't do it if she didn't care about y'all."

"We know," Brayden agreed.

"How do you know Momma spanks hard?" Everett asked, innocently.

I shut my mouth instantly. Why had I mentioned that again? I glanced at Tay and she only shrugged, telling me she had no clue what to say.

"Your momma is tough, kiddo," I shrugged.

The other twin looked at me a beat longer, clearly not buying into my story.

"Well, a new member was added to the people who have felt Mom's fury," one twin clapped the other on the back.

"You spanked Lucas?" Brayden, Everett, and Eliza all said at the same time.

The one that I'm assuming is Lucas blushed deeply. He glanced over at me before looking down at his plate.

"I don't think six swats is a spanking," Tay put her hands up in defense.

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