16. What Makes Your Heart Beat? (P)

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Peter's POV

Dinner was uneventfully, eventful. Nothing really significant happened, but then again, nothing eventful really happened. I know that there was an additional something that happened upstairs because the twins were really tense. Liam seemed stressed and that stressed Lucas out. The two of them kept to themselves the entirety of supper. I tried to keep Carter and Julie distracted while Taylen and Alex were talking. I knew their conversation had a bit to do with the conversation I was a part of earlier. I felt proud when Alex trusted me. Something told me he didn't trust easily, but somehow; I was able to win him over.

After dinner, when Taylen began pulling her brother and his wife into a room, Alex shot me a pleading look. I gave him an apologetic look back. There were some lines I couldn't cross. They needed to have this conversation as a family, and I was not going to intrude. Instead, Eliza and I stayed in the kitchen. As soon as she was able, she dismissed the boys, allowing them to follow the other directions their mom gave them. Liam and Lucas were still acting weird when they went up the stairs. I wasn't sure what that was all about, but I knew that they were going to have to get it sorted before it festered into a bigger problem.

Eliza and I finished cleaning up the kitchen before making some coffee. I was listening carefully to make sure that I was not needed in the other room. From all the time I spent around Carter and Taylen when we were younger, I knew that both of them were rather stubborn and sometimes disagreements would turn into screaming matches. I wasn't going to allow that to happen around Alex. I may not have known him very long, but I still feel very strongly towards him. I feel the need to protect him from anything that would harm him, mentally or physically.

After a while, I sighed in relief. It seemed that maybe things were being worked out the way they needed to. I hadn't heard any sort of fight which made me hopeful that Carter and Taylen were able to resist the urge to fight all the time. Maybe they had done some growing up. I know I have.

When Tay comes out, she seems pleased. I am then certain their conversation went well.

"How'd it go?" Mom asked.

Tay smiled big, "Really well, I think. I think their relationship is going to start improving now. I am so happy about it!"

"It's about damn time. I swear your brother," Eliza shook her head.

Tay and I both let out a laugh. She doesn't know half of it.

"So, what happened with Liam and Lucas earlier? They were a bit off at dinner," I commented.

"Well apparently Liam and Alex were drinking, and some mean things were said to Lucas by Liam," Taylen shook her head.

"Liam was drinking?! And he's still alive?!?" Eliza's eyes were surprised.

Cater, Julie, and Alex decided to enter the room right at that time.

"He'll live, but he's gonna have a sore bottom for several days," Taylen replied.

"I'm afraid this one is in the same boat," Carter raised his arm and put it around Alex who turned about as red as a tomato.

Alex and Tay had a silent conversation for a moment. Then, he walked over and encased her in a tight hug. Her small frame melted into him. Alex was only sixteen, but he was a good ten inches taller than she.

After a few minutes, Julie asked, "Alex, will you go get Stetson and Lauren so we can go?"


"I love you, Alex," Tay said softly as they broke apart.

"Love you too, Aunt Tay."

She watched him retreat down the hall with a huge smile on her face. She had finally won him over.

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