12. Pride and Joy (T)

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Taylen's POV

After getting off the phone with Carter, I was very irritated. Peter's words helped a little, but part of me knew that there was actually very little I could do in this situation. It made me feel helpless. I could only hope that Carter and Julie would figure it out sooner rather than later that if they didn't get their kids in line, their kids would not be great functioning adults.

I sighed out loud when I remembered that all four of my boys were in trouble too. I hated punishing any of my boys, but it was going to be that much harder to discipline Lucas. He was always so obedient and level-headed that I knew it was going to take every bit of nerve I had to actually punish him.

"I guess I'm going to go get the boys," I told Peter and Eliza.

"Want help?" Peter asked.

"Sure. Wake Brayden and send him down to the living room," I instructed.

"Yes, ma-. Ok," he gave an awkward chuckle.

I had to laugh at him a little. That was a very awkward slip.

He followed me up the stairs and I pointed at Brayden's bedroom door. Peter gave his door a quick knock before walking in as I did the same to Liam's door. Everett was laying on his tummy all stretched on Lucas' bed while Liam was curled up in a little ball. I gently shook Li awake. He groaned quietly, blinking a few times before his eyes focused on mine.

"Hey, kiddo. Feel better now?" I asked him, brushing some hair from his face.

He nodded sleepily.

"Come on. We have lots to talk about," I patted his side.

I started pulling the covers back as he pouted slightly. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Meet me downstairs on the couch. I'm gonna go wake Lucas up."

Liam nodded, still not fully awake.

I kissed the top of his head and left the room. Everett was still sleeping and I was hoping he would stay that way for a while. I made my way down the hall to the guest bedroom. Lucas, like his twin, was curled up in a ball. I studied him a moment before touching him. His face had dried tear tracks on it that made my heart ache. His hair was messier than usual, a sign that he had been running his hands through it frantically. His lips were in a sure pout and his thumb was touching them. I wanted to leave him alone for a bit longer, but we needed to get this put behind us as soon as possible. I shook him away the same way I did Liam. He began to stir and reach his arm out like he was looking for something. After sleepily feeling around for something that he could not find, he sat up very quickly. He glanced all around the room rapidly, eyes not focusing on any particular thing.

"Sweetheart, what are you looking for?" I asked softly.

He turned to me and looked as if he just realized that I was in the room.

"Momma, where's Bubba?"

"He's downstairs, baby. Wanna go see him?"

Lucas nodded, "Want him."

Lucas crawled off the bed and held out his hand to me, "Let's go, Momma."

I was a little confused about why he was acting like this but didn't comment. Maybe Liam would help him out. When we got downstairs and Lucas spotted Liam, I could feel the tension leave his body. He rushed over to Liam and Liam stood. They embraced each other tightly. I felt bad for separating them now. It was always obvious that they needed each other, but I just realized how much. They depended so heavily on one another that couldn't be separated when they were upset.

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