17. Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite (T)

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Taylen's POV

Since Eliza was taking the boys, I went home during my prep period. I usually used my prep to catch up on grading and have meetings while I waited on the boys, but today I wanted to get the house cleaned before I went out with my girlfriends tonight.

When I got home, I got right to work. I keep a pretty clean house but some of the heavier cleanings get pushed to the side for lack of time. I got laundry going, vacuumed all the floors, mopped, and washed the baseboards. I had the boys stack the dishwasher this morning before we left so I unloaded it before I went upstairs to get ready.

Jaelynn (my high school best friend) and Norah (my college best friend) were coming over to get ready at my house before we went out. Another group of our friends was meeting us at the club, but I didn't want everyone at my house. That seems exhausting.

I had just finished curling my hair when I heard their knock at the door. I went and let them in before we all crowded into my bathroom. We set to work, putting on our makeup and making ourselves hot. We were all single after all. Grant and Jaelynn got married right out of high school and got divorced a year later. Norah had been serious with a guy for three years and the night she thought he was going to propose, he dumped her instead. It had taken a while, but she was finally over him. I never liked Beau anyway.

Once we all had our hair and faces done, we put on our outfits. I was wearing a tight two-piece outfit with some heels. Jae had a skin-tight dress that was black and glittery while Norah had a maroon romper on that was very revealing. I got to say we definitely looked hot. I may be a mom of four, but I still got it. I'm not even thirty.

Not long after we got ready, our Uber arrived. None of us wanted to be a designated driver tonight so we decided to just take an Uber so our cars were not stranded and we could avoid accidents.

Our driver was an older lady who simply smiled at us when we climbed into her car. Norah was telling us about this guy she had gone on a date with earlier in the week as we were drove to the location of the club.

"Oasis" was the name of the club. The owner and Adam were pretty close. They golfed together on Tuesday mornings. This club was the only decent one around us. They had the right music, good-lookin' guys, and great bartenders. If I was able to come out more often, I would get a membership to save money. I loved the environment this club had. There was a live band called "Foreplay" that was playing tonight. They were some sort of rock band.

At the bar, Noah, the kid who used to mix our drinks at the bar, was working. I knew that it had been his dream to work at this club and I am glad that he followed his passions.

"Peach!" he exclaimed when he recognized me.

"Hey Noah," I smiled at him.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a bunch of children now?" he said 'children' with a sneer.

"I have four teens. They're with their aunt tonight. I needed a break," I shrugged.

"Fair enough. My little girl is a handful."

"How old is she now?" I had forgotten he had a kid. Now that was a messy situation.

"She just turned two."

"How fun!"

"Yep, I have to get back, but we should catch up soon, okay?" he suggested.

"Sounds good."

"So what would you ladies like to drink?" he asked, putting his professional hat back on.

After we had our drinks, we made our way to sit down. I needed at least one drink in my system before I was dancing. Our other friends beat us there and were sitting on a couch near the dance floor. We all got to talking and laughing, each drinking another drink before we went to the dance floor.

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