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Theodore's emotions had been tumultuous, a rollercoaster of highs and lows that left him feeling drained and isolated.

Each passing day seemed to stretch on endlessly, weighed down by the heavy burden in his chest, a longing for Nia that he couldn't shake.

He hadn't seen or heard from her since New Years, as the more his fears consumed him the more distance he became, followed behind was having to do so much preparation for the inauguration that he barely had time for himself.

The fear that gripped him was the uncertainty of what could happen, the fear of missing crucial moments with her. It all frightened him, as he longed to be there for her, to wake up to her presence, to soak in the sound of her beautiful voice.

After enduring four days of silence, he resorted to sending Parker to check on her well-being, accompanied by bouquets of flowers and heartfelt notes attached.

This was Theodore's gesture of say I'm sorry and I love you.

Parker would return and say that she seemed okay.

That was it.

Hearing that she was okay eased his worrying mind just a little bit, as the weight of their future already weighed heavily on his mind.

And as a week passed, he found himself caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, torn between his love for Nia and the demands of his political career.

The pressure to find a wife, a First Lady, grew with each passing day. The whispers of his team, and the people around him echoed in his ears, their voices a constant reminder of the expectations placed upon him.

But amidst the chaos of his thoughts, one thing remained clear, and that was his love for Nia.

The mere thought of life without her sent a shiver down his spine, filling him with a sense of dread that threatened to consume him whole.

Yet, as much as he longed to marry her, Theodore couldn't ignore the reality of their situation. Nia's reluctance to step into the spotlight as his wife was understandable, given the scrutiny that came with being the President.

But for Theodore, the prospect of facing the future without her by his side was unbearable, now that he has grown to love her outside of the island.

Theodore needed her, not just as a partner, but as a pillar of strength to lean on in when times get hard.

He really needed her.

This left him to face the fact that, on one hand, his love for Nia pulled him towards her, urging him to fight for their relationship against all odds.

On the other hand, the demands of his political career loomed large, casting a shadow over their future together.

With a heavy heart, Theodore knew he couldn't continue to ignore the elephant in the room.

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