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Theodore Knocks couldn't help but feel uneasy as he observed the gentle rise and fall of her chest. The soft sound of her snoring confirmed that she was exhausted, and he berated himself internally for scheduling their date so late. Just then, a doctor entered the room, holding a clipboard in her hand. Her eyes widened slightly when she noticed Theodore. "Oh, um, I was informed that Mrs. Well's daughter is here?" Theodore glanced down at the peacefully sleeping Nia, contemplating whether he should wake her up. However, he had made a promise and decided against it.

"Nia, darling, wake up," Nia stirred in her slumber, and eventually her eyes fluttered open. She blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes, "The doctor is here," upon hearing this, Nia quickly sat up. "Is my mother okay?"

The Doctor nodded reassuringly. "Yes, based on this report, she fell, hit her head, and cut herself, but she should be fine," Nia nodded in relief. "Is she sleeping?"

"Not at the moment, but you should be able to see her now," She got up from out of the chair, and her hands immediately grabbed Theodore's hand.

The doctor watched from afar curious, and that was when reality hit her like a brick to the head.

President Elect.

Recognizing Nia's intentions before it happened, Theodore held her hand tightly, already disregarding the presence of the doctor and anyone else who may have witnessed his entrance into the hospital. In that moment, his sole focus was on Nia and her mother. Sensing his reluctance to let go, Nia attempted to release Theodore's hand, but he refused to let her go. "Theo," she called out, hoping to persuade him otherwise.


"I'll just wait outside," the doctor offered them a reassuring smile before leaving the room. Nia made another attempt to free her hand from Theodore's grasp, but he insisted. "Theo,"

"Nia, I don't care right now. Let's concentrate on your mother." Nia hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement, and together they left the room, their hands intertwined as the doctor guides them to her mother's room.

As they entered the room, Nia's mother sat on the bed, engrossed in one of her favorite puzzles. Miss Susan, her caretaker, sat beside her with a cup of coffee in her hand. The moment Nia stepped into the room, her mother's eyes lit up and she immediately put the puzzle aside. Nia's heart skipped a beat as their eyes locked, a flood of emotions rushing through her.

"My Darling, Nia!" Her mother's eyes welled up with tears, and Theodore decided it was time to release her hand. Overwhelmed with emotions, she rushed towards her mother, tears streaming down her face, and embraced her tightly, planting a kiss on her forehead.

Theodore stood at the back of the room, observing. Miss Susan, whose name he had yet to learn, smiled warmly at him.

"How are you, my child? How is your dad?" Nia's mother asked, concern etched on her face. "Nia, darling, why am I here in this awful hospital gown? And why are you crying?" Her mother tried to wipe away Nia's tears, but they kept flowing uncontrollably. Nia clung to her mother, finding solace in her embrace. Theodore watched, his heart aching at the sight of Nia's vulnerability. On the island, they had been so immersed in the vibrant culture that they hadn't experienced moments like this.

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