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Christmas Eve.

Nia spent the morning until mid-day of christmas Eve talking to her father, and as well as sending out Christmas Eve cards to her children at the institution and her colleagues. While, she also prepared for the nights Christmas Eve party.

Before she knew it, time had slipped away, and she found herself fully dressed with the sun having already set.

Nia gazes into the mirror one last time, the elegant silver luxury dress that Theodore had gifted her was what she had chosen to wear for the night Christmas Eve party.

The dress fit so well and effortlessly highlights her curves, embracing her in all the right places as if it was custom-made just for her. Her curls fall effortlessly around her shoulders, adding a touch of elegance to her overall look. When she is finished staring, Nia grabs her coat, the rum cake and she heads out the door, with butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

Suddenly, a voice startles her, "Well don't you look beautiful!"

She turns around to find Mrs. Jonas, perched on the stairs, holding a book. "Thank you Mrs Jonas,"

"You're welcome dear, sorry didn't mean to scare you." Nia chuckles. "It's okay, enjoy your night Mrs. Jonas,"

"You too, dear," and with that Nia bid Mrs. Jonas goodbye and left the apartment building. Nia walked towards the direction where Matteo had parked, and as she neared the vehicle, she couldn't help but notice the radiant smile plastered on Matteo's face. To say the least Matteo missed Ms. Wells as he had been home bored. "Goodnight, Mr. Flores," she says politely as she enters the vehicle,

"Goodnight, Ms. Wells," Returning the gesture, Matteo started driving away from the parking lot towards Theodore's family house. The soothing melody of sweet jazz filled the car, creating a relaxing atmosphere. However, Matteo's attention was divided between the road ahead and stealing glances at Ms. Wells through the rearview mirror. A question lingered on his lips, but he kept his focus on driving. Finally, unable to resist his curiosity any longer, he asked, "How was your trip, Ms. Wells?"

Nia's mind snapped back to the present, her thoughts momentarily interrupted by Matteo's question. With a genuine smile, she replied, "It was absolutely amazing." Matteo couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness seeing such a radiant smile on Nia's face. He had known her for quite some time now, but this was the first time he had witnessed such beauty in her expression. The jazz music continued to play in the background, adding to the ambiance of the moment. Matteo's fingers tapped lightly on the steering wheel as he listened attentively to Nia's response.

The dimly lit streets were filled with the soft glow from houses decorated with wreaths, and colorful Christmas ornaments.  

Engaging in conversation with him acted as a much-needed, easing her worries and calming her racing thoughts.

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