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Fear -

"It is more than just a fleeting emotion- it's leading us on the path for growth and understanding." - (LinkedIn Roy Tran)


As Nia Wells laid in his embrace, she couldn't help but notice the subtle scent of his cologne mingling with the crisp night air.

It was a comforting aroma, one that enveloped her senses and momentarily distracted her from the tension that lingered between them. The warmth of his chest against her cheek offered a sense of security, yet beneath the surface, she could sense the unease in his breathing.

Theodore's hold on her was firm, almost protective, as if he were trying to shield her from the uncertainty that loomed in the air.

The sound of the champagne bottle popping open echoed around them, a stark contrast to the distant explosions of fireworks painting the sky with bursts of color.

Each fireworks seemed to punctuate the quiet moments between them, serving as a reminder of the passing of time and the weight of their unspoken fears.

Despite the celebration surrounding them, Nia couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that settled in the pit of her stomach.

And yet, in the midst of their shared anxiety, there was a sense of intimacy that bound them together.

As the backdoor opened, she heard footsteps, then Jess voice. "Mom wants you to do a toast, are you guys coming inside soon?"

Silence followed after her question.

"We'll be there in a minute, just give us a second," Theodore's voice finally broke the silence, his words laced with a hint of distraction.

Nia caught the subtle reply. "Okay," before the door closed.

In the quiet that followed, the tension between them seemed to hang in the air, palpable yet unspoken.

She could feel the weight of Theodore's gaze on her, his fingers tracing lazy circles through her hair with a tenderness that belied the tension brewing beneath the surface.

"Darling," his voice was a soft murmur, barely above a whisper, pulling her attention back to him.

"Hm?" Nia responded, her heart quickening with anticipation, hoping for a meaningful exchange that never came.

"We should go inside," He whispers.

Leaning up to meet his gaze, she found herself drawn into the depths of his eyes, a silent exchange of emotions passing between them.

In that moment, she could see the raw vulnerability reflected in the redness of his eyes.

Without a word, Theodore leaned in, his lips meeting hers in a gentle kiss that spoke volumes of the unspoken love they shared.

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