{5} dance for me 💃🏻

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Part One: Chaconne

"So 'D' stands for Decelis? I never heard that word before. What does it mean?", my eyes widen and sparkle in curiosity and confusion, staring at the pitch black, mysterious and ancient looking mask my dance partner is wearing.
I keep my hands on his broad shoulders as he leads me through this chaconne, something completely out of my world. I have never been an elegant dancer. Hitting up the roller skating hall with my Walkman and spinning around wildly is a good definition for my dancing skills. But somehow...
with his firm hands around my waist,
the scent of his cologne and
the darkness of his eyes
my body is moving naturally to the music.
"Tonight, ‚D' only stands for 'dance for me', princess.", he whispers lowly in my ear, his words only meant for me as he pulls me in closer, making me forget about why I came to this birthday party in the first place.
He spins me, grabs my hands and holds me in the dance. Everyone around us dances synchronously the chaconne, yet our dance is incommensurable. It holds something I can't classify, but at the same time the feeling is natural. With the music intensifying and us getting more and more into it, we end up being the main dancers on the floor. Everyone is clapping to the rhythm, but I can't seem to pay attention as his eyes are like magnets for my body. My dress is flying everywhere as we are reaching the high of the dance. Eventually, we stand close to each other, our breaths mixing as we are inches apart. The crowd starts to cheer, yet I can only hear our rapid heart beats against each other.
"Good girl.", he chuckles breathlessly, clearing his throat as he holds me steady until I stand on two feet again. His posture straightens as he bows at the guests, his expression neutral once again.
For some reason, small blushes appear on my cheeks, making me shift my attention towards the crowd quickly and bow clumsily, definitely not giving the nickname princess. With that, my dance partner takes my hand and leads me out of the dance hall. As I look back at the crowd, I realize that two pairs of red eyes are following us, but I have no time to waste another thought as something unexpected happens.

Two hours earlier

"Perfect, you're half an hour early, stupid...", I think to myself and sigh deeply as I'm standing on the beach again.

I can't believe I convinced myself to show up for a real. I should be at home right now, spending quality time on a Saturday night with the most important people in my life. Yet, I'm here again. On the Eoddun Beach. Looking for God knows what. Working on my college qualification assignment would have been a better idea. Hell, reading Goethe would have been... and that definitely means something.
Suddenly, a question crosses my mind.
"Is the letter still there?", I wonder, heading towards the spot I dug Sooha's goodbye letter in. As I approach, my eyes widen and my body freezes.
Someone was here.

I fall on my knees and peck inside, the envelope nowhere to be seen. Immediately, I bury my fingers inside the sand to dig a deeper hole. I shove the sand aside, my heart racing so fast I have to catch my breath in order not to hyperventilate. Desperately, I try to find the letter. It's gone.
"No, no...", my eyes tear up as I sit back, staring at sand hole.
The chances that everyone but Sooha took the letter are high. The chances, that the stranger from yesterday came back, took the letter and thought it's funny to send me back here, are high.
"That would explain how they found my address...", my thoughts are racing.
In a quick snap, my sadness turns into anger. Without any self control, I just start to scream at the ocean. I get on my feet, yelling her name at the top of my lunges. Tears are streaming down my face like the water of a fountain.
"Why can't nobody seem to take your disappearing seriously, Sooha?! WHY?!", I collapse on my knees, hiding my crying face in my hands.
"Whoever thought that this was a funny joke, IT'S NOT!", I yell angrily, blaming all my negative emotions on one person.
That stupid stranger.
As I feel a mix of rage, frustration and heartache, I feel the urge to punch them right in the belly and make them apologize for torturing me in my most vulnerable time.
"YOU, stupid idiot, are probably just a twelve year old kid who doesn't know what to do with its time and annoys people who definitely don't deserve IT! SO SHOW YOURSELF, SCAREDY-CAT!!!", my voice vibrates more with every word, making me feel like I could cause a tsunami any moment.
I get on my feet again and look at the ocean, closing my eyes as I try to catch my breath. A few seconds of silence pass in which I try my best to regain my composure again, not until my plans to just go home change.

"I'm no twelve years old, princess."

My eyes snap wide-open in shock, making my cold skin shiver. The voice is familiar to me.
Suddenly, all of my madness fades away, as I'm now focused on the person behind me. Carefully and with much hesitation, I turn around.
A tall figure stares at me intensely, wearing a black coat and a mask which covers their identity precisely. Based on the deep voice and muscular body shape, I assume it's a man in his middle to late 20s, probably a few years older than me.
My throat feels dry as I look at the man, not being able to speak up or move. I am in a state of shock, not knowing how to assess this situation. Just seconds ago, I was incredibly angered by the stranger who called me here as I am a hundred percent convinced he took my, or to be more specific SOOHA'S letter and set me up for God knows what reason. Probably to make fun of me or mock me, but now as I look at him...
...I feel like I was wrong.
"Too stunned to speak? It's okay. I just wonder how you'll react once I take my mask off. Not sure if you'll be able to handle it.", he spoke, stepping closer as his eyes were piercing.
"Who are you and why do you look like you're going to a carnival? We have March, or have you forgotten to turn your calendar to the next page?", I narrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms, ignoring his arrogant and unsuitable comments. He clearly has some nerves.
"You have sharp eyes. I like that.", he smirks in amusement, which I notice because his mouth is one of the parts he didn't try to hide with his costume.
"Answer the question!", I say in annoyance, looking up at him.
He is around 6 feet tall, making me feel a bit intimidated from the inside. Especially as he is stepping closer now and bending down to my eye level to stare deeply into my eyes.
"I'm not important tonight. You are, princess.", he whispers, suddenly grabbing my hands and pulling me into his embrace.
Everything happens too fast for me to process the turn of events. It feels like we are falling into a hole and end up flying in the air. His body partly blocks the pressure of the wind for me as he holds me tightly. When I open my eyes seconds later, I have to realize that we are moving over the clouds. My heart skips a beat in fear as I hug the stranger tightly. I want to yell at him and ask him what the hell is happening, but they everything turns black.

~1333 words ☁️


Hope everyone is doing well!! I can't believe it's already spring. The year is passing by quicker than I expected... 🌸

If you liked today's chapter, feel free to leave a smoll ⭐️ on the story or follow my page for more content!

With that being said,
have a nice day and take care!

ur author

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