{2} the invitation 💌

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Letting go is harder than expected...

The sand feels cold as it covers my bare feet. It feels good to spend time on the beach again. The sounds of the hitting waves is soothing and relaxing in every possible way.

I sigh deeply, tilting my head and closing my eyes to feel the wind blowing on my face. My eyebrows narrow as the feeling of loneliness hits me hard. My grip on the envelop tightens.
"I don't want to let go. I can't do this... I don't want to do this..."
Anxious thoughts fill my mind mercilessly. Suddenly, all my effort in making this letter is meaningless. I want to rip the paper in millions of pieces and shout until Sooha hears me. I want to shout out all questions I have been an asking myself over and over again, like "why is everyone I love leaving so soon?".

Just now I realize the hot tears running down my cheeks. I bite my lower lip, wiping them away. Getting carried away is quite my talent...

Slowly, I stand up and walk towards the ocean. I bend down, looking for the perfect spot. Once I do, I start to dig into the sand, right where the water can't reach it anymore. The paper starts to get covered until it fully vanishes into the floor. My finger buries into the sand and draws a heart, in the middle I write the initials "S&L". A small chuckle escapes my lips as I rub my puffy eyes and hug my knees.
"It will take one day until the water reaches out and carries my letter for you into the deep ocean, Sooha. This is how much time I give you.", I whisper and smile. Finally, I made it. My anxiety didn't win over me after all.

As I get on my feet, something in the night sky catches my attention. It's full moon. The sight sends chills down my spine. From this point of view, it looks like the stars are to my feet. Unconsciously, my arm extends into the air, my hand opening and reaching out to the moon. The intensity of the wind increases, caressing my hair back. For some reason, the strong moonlight mesmerizes me and makes me feel like I'm in some kind of trance. Expect my lips slightly parting and my chest moving up and down, my body is frozen.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of a piano...
What is that?

My ears start to ring. Immediately, my attention shifts from the moon to solving the mystery of where the melody is coming from. I turn around, looking in every direction, but all I see is the ocean, the beach and the lights of the city. Yet, the melody doesn't stop playing. It sounds beautiful and soft, yet strange and... dangerous?
"I must be crazy.", is the first thought that crosses my mind.
Another shiver runs down my spine, but this time because I start to panic slightly. As my eyes move around everywhere, they suddenly spot something in the distance. Wait, no...

They spot someone.

"Uhm... hello?!", I call out and wave hectically with my arms, hoping to catch the person's attention. But the dark figure in the distance doesn't move. Since the person is standing on the end of the coast, I can't see them properly. The darkness doesn't make it any better for me, so I start to run along the coast. The closer I get to the mysterious shadow, the louder the melody gets. My heart is beating like crazy as I'm determined to find out what's happening. A small part of me hopes that this is Sooha. What if she has been here all along?
"Sooha!", I shout, panting as I start to run faster, extending my arm to reach the person as soon as possible.

Just as I was getting closer, the shadow suddenly disappears. The music ends, making me stop in my tracks as I look up. Seconds ago, the person was standing at this giant rock. If imagination isn't fooling me, the person was looking at me.

"Damn it...", I scoff in disappointment, squeezing my eyes and stumping in the sand angrily.
I take deep breaths and hold onto my hips as I feel slight side cramps. I should definitely do more sports. But that's not the point now.

I can't believe delusion got the best out of me once again. Why was I foolish enough to think Sooha was here, waiting for me? I sigh deeply in frustration, letting my arms fall down as I look up at the rock once again.
Wait a minute...

Gripping onto the hard edges, I pull myself up, letting out a growl as I feel my whole body weight in my arms. Once I'm sitting on the rock, I look down at the envelope. The moonlight flashes right on the old, dirty paper and a red wax mark with the initial "D". A strange feeling spreads through my whole body, making me gulp my own saliva nervously.
I close my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath.
"Relax, Luna. It's just a letter, right? The person must have just forgotten it here."
I open my eyes, my gaze staying on the dusty paper. But the longer I stare at the envelope, the more the urge to open it rises. Curiosity is a dangerous trait indeed.
Without wasting another thought, I rip the envelope open, taking out a black paper.
Another nervous gulp.
As I see the first two words, my heart stops beating for a good moment.

"Dear Luna"

My eyes are wide open, not blinking as I stare at these two words. Quickly, I snap out of my trance by shaking my head and taking a few deep breathes. I need to continue to read this letter, I might meet Sooha after all.

"Dear Luna,

You're invited to a bloody birthday party.

Sometimes walking down the deadly path
Without fleeing from death itself
Can give rise to the most wonderful creation

We hope you will be able to come."

I need a moment to process what I have just read.  This is by far the strangest message I have ever received. I don't even know what to think of this letter at this point. They left me with so many questions, like who in the world wrote this letter? They know my name. And what do they mean with bloody birthday party? There is no time or location given. But most importantly...
What is this poem supposed to mean?

"Sometimes walking down the deadly path, without fleeing from death itself, can give rise to the most wonderful creation."

Are they threatening me? Warning me? Encouraging me? I have no idea, but I'll take this as a step closer to Sooha. It can't be a coincidence this happened exactly tonight. The night I wanted to put an end to our story.

I look down at my hand watch, realizing it's a quarter before midnight.
"Shit!", my eyes widen, as I quickly get on my feet and jump off the rock, running towards my bike. Mom will be worried if I come home late...

~1188 words

Another chapter❣️
I'm currently really motivated to write because I recently received the "BORDER: DAY ONE" album by Enhypen. I rewatched the mvs of this area and they really never disappoint with their talent.

Have a good day! <3

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