Chp 7 [Love and Potato Chips!]

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Narrator's POV:

"What happened to the guy yesterday?" The Nara kid asked. They're currently on the art room and sketching the faces of the Hokage. Shusuke don't know what exactly happened yesterday because he's absent in class for two days. "What exactly happened?" The Uchiha finally asked. "Class rep have a another little confession yesterday." Inojin answered.

"I heard you're really popular with the guys, miss class rep!" Inojin teased Sumire who blushed beside Shusuke. And hide her face using the sketch pad. "How did you know about that already?" Sumire asked. "Everyone knows that. You're popular with the boys, you know." The older Uchiha spoke but then Namida screamed, causing everyone to look at her.

"Namida! what's wrong?" Her friend wasabi asked with worry. Confused as to why he screamed like that. "T—The blackboard..." She said as she pointed her finger to the board Infront of the class. Everyone looked at board and there the words Sumire, I'm always watching you. Was wrote.

Everyone was shocked, even the Uchiha himself wonder as to why how the hell someone wrote that to the board? He swore that he didn't sense someone wrote that on the board. "I didn't even felt anyone stood up nor heard someone is writing on the board." The Uchiha furrows his eyebrows as he glanced at Sumire beside him.

She looked sacred for her life. "W—What is going on?" The Uzumaki asked. "It's him." Chocho replied with a serious look on her face or rather a angry one. Shusuke was confused, what do they meant by that? He took a glance at Sumire again. "Don't worry... I promise he won't hurt you." Shusuke whispered to Sumire who nodded and mumbled a thanks.

After class the seven kids who's, Boruto, Shikadai, Shusuke, Mitsuki and the three girls stand down the stairs, where Mitsuki pointed out that Boruto knows who's absent today. The older Uchiha didn't know what's even happening but since he made a stupid promise to Sumire to protect her, that he didn't even notice the words he had said, he have no choice but to fulfill that promise.

While Chocho spoke nonsense, Shusuke noticed a paper falling down. "Paper?" The male Uchiha spoke as he looked up where everyone followed his movements and also looked up. More papers fall down to the kids, like a million pieces. Shusuke looked down at Sumire who got on her knees to look at the paper who fallen down on the ground.

He saw Sumire was frightened so he looked at the paper she was holding. "Sumire, You look cute today." Shusuke read it as his face turned sour. Is this some kind of boy who had an obsession over a girl? Shusuke already used to it since he also sometimes got these kinds of letters. But since Sumire is a girl, she's sure scared.

"That guy's the only one who could've done this." Shikadai spoke, which Shusuke's confusion grew. Who is the guy they're talking about? Poor Uchiha just missed two days of school and things happened that he didn't even know. "Yeah, that's for sure... How did he do this?" Chocho is right, even Shusuke will admit it.

The team decided to search inside of the Academy, Shusuke was about to refuse but Sarada grabbed him to come along with them since he also made a promise to Sumire to protect her. He's walking beside Shikaidai who's ahead to the team, but when they had a little distance with the girls, Shusuke sensed something was wrong.

And that's when a automatic door that came from the ceiling, slide down, separated the two teams. Leaving the girls all alone by them self. Boruto pounded on the door but it wouldn't budge. "If I use chidori there will be a chances that I'll hurt them..." The Uchiha thought as his calm demeanor turned into a angry one. He's afraid on what will happened to the girls, especially his sister.

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