chp 3 [Iwabe the repeater]

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Narrator's POV:

"As expected, you're on top of the class again." Inojin complement while walking back to class with Shusuke to take their lunches. "Hn." He replied using the Uchiha language.

"What about you? You didn't even entered the top 5." The Uchiha asked, confused as to why his friend didn't entered the top 5 who's clearly strong too. "I'm not really fast, you know, unlike you who got trained by the 6 Hokage himself."

"Being his student is hard. Knowing that the old man is obsessed with his pervert books." He complained, "but I guess it's fine. I got stronger because of him." He added with sigh.

"Lucky you. After you told me that you got companied by the 6 Hokage himself got me really jealous." Inojin joked with a smile on his face. "I guess that's just the perks being an Uchiha." Shusuke shrugged. Even the 7th Hokage helped him to use his technique's flawlessly.

"So it's really true that you, Sarada and your dad is the only Uchiha left?" Inojin asked. Shusuke nodded his head with a frown. "If only the massacre didn't happened crazy people won't run after me for my sharingan." He thought.

He thought something like that because he accidentally read a article about the massacre that happened decades ago when he was a kid and ever since he read about that, the way he thinks changed.

He tried asking Kakashi about it but he can't give any answer. He also tried asking Naruto and Tsunade but they can't let out any words about the massacre that happened years ago. He can't even ask his mother because he knows it will make her upset.

So, he started to find out himself.

"What you got for lunch?" Inojin asked the Uchiha causing him to snapped out of his thoughts. "Toma-" he was about to say the word tomato and onigiri but his friend cut him. "Lemme guess, Tomato and Onigiri?"

Shusuke's face turned into a confused one real quick. "How did he even know?" He thought. "You're an eyesore." An angry voice spoke as they arrived at the classroom. "Who's he?" Shusuke mumbled as he stared at them whilst the kid is gripping on Boruto's collar. "Iwabe Yuino, the repeater." Inojin informed.

He nodded and watched him throw Boruto on the floor and he hit the Teacher table. The other gasped as he stared intensely at the Iwabe guy. "Interesting." He thought and took an interest at the male and started to walked towards the scene. "Hey, Shusuke." Inojin called but he ignored him.

"If you have a problem, come at me." He spoke. The Uchiha smirked and appeared Infront of him as he kicked his stomach. Iwabe stumbled back while holding his stomach. "Y-you..." He shutter. It's getting more interesting since the guy didn't flew back.

"You said that if we got a problem, we come at you. Right?" Shusuke said as he stood Infront of Boruto and Denki. "And who are you to speak like you're higher than us?" He added. Iwabe glared at Shusuke, angrily as he tapped his staff on the ground.

"Listen up." He started, "strength is everything for a ninja. What's the use of studying obediently like you guys?" He asked. He turned to the students at the back while pointing his staff at them, "even the present Hokage was the strongest in all of history, a ninja will always get away with anything."

"Is he disrespecting Lord 7th?" The oldest Uchiha thought as he glared at Iwabe, he don't understand as to why he would say something like that. "But Iwabe even Lord 7th has made his goal to use ninjutsu in peaceful ways." Denki spoke, "that's why I also..." Before Denki could finish his words, Iwabe shut him off.

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