chp 4 [Metal Lee goes hard!]

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Narrator's POV:

"Alright, everyone. From today you'll start practicing with shuriken." Shino Sensei explained. They're currently outside with four logs that you're supposed to throw your shuriken on. "You're all beginners, but that's okay."

"Funny how I'm not really a beginner." Shusuke thought and didn't really pay attention to Shino's explanation and was lost in thoughts. He only snapped out of his thoughts because of their Sensei's scream. "Woah!"

Students started to throw shuriken at the logs even though Shino still hasn't done explaining. "It would be worthwhile if I just drew pictures." Inojin complained beside his friend, Shusuke and throw his shuriken at the log and hit the middle part where the Uchiha's Shuriken was already thrown.

Shusuke was just standing beside him, boredly since he hit the middle part already. "Well, we've been force to practice this sort of thing at home." Shikadai spoke as he also hit the middle part of the target where Shusuke's and Inojin's shuriken was.

Then the three saw Metal Lee throwing three shuriken at the target and hit the middle perfectly. "Who's he?" Shusuke asked himself. "Since I secluded myself in the woods and immersed myself in training, my shuriken is perfect!" He said to himself out loud as he was about to throw a another one.

"He's pretty good." Shikadai spoke with his hands on the back of his head. "Yeah." Inojin agreed and Shusuke himself nodded his head in agreement since he also find the guy interesting. He looked like someone who offered him to train.

Shusuke noticed that he tensed up and he throw the shuriken towards the target, but this time, his shuriken didn't hit the target. Instead the shuriken hit the ground just a few feets away from him. Metal Lee then let out a nervous laugh.

"Oh, my hand kinda slipped! That's weird!" He said with a nervous laugh and walked towards his shuriken to pick it up. "Surely not like his father or wheelchaired guy." Shusuke thought as he rolled his eyes. He already lost his interest at the boy, knowing he's more shy than the Class rep herself.

"Move out the way!" A familiar voice shouted, "this is how I do it." The three looked back and saw Boruto running with a demon wind shuriken. "Oh? H—Hey Isn't that dangerous?!" Shikadai shutter as he looked panic and also Inojin. Meanwhile Shusuke looked like it's not really a big deal.

"Demon wind shuriken!" He shouted as he jumped in the air. "Let's go!" He yelled again and throw the shuriken towards the four. Shikadai, Inojin and Shusuke moved out of the way leaving Metal Lee and the shuriken lunching towards him.

"Is he gonna kill him?" Shusuke thought as he stared at the scene, waiting for the brushy eyebrows to do something cool like his father. "Such as unsteady shuriken. With my kick, I'll—!" He said with full confidence but that quickly disappeared when Sumire called his name. "Metal!" With worried expression on her face.

He noticed that everyone was watching him, "L—Leaf hurricane!" He yelled with full of nervousness. He was about to kick the shuriken but his feet got caught by the shuriken and was sent flying to the target. It hit the log backwards and him sending flying to the air before hitting the ground with the weapon stuck on his feet.

"Are you alright?!" Shino asked as they ran towards Metal Lee. "Y—yeah." He replied sitting up and rubbing the back of his head. "You're Metal right? I'm sorry!" Boruto apologies with also worried on his face.

"Not like his father. I'll say, I lost my interest into fighting him. With only a simple compliment make him nervous." Shusuke thought as he stared at the guy boredly. "Is he even a ninja? He's gonna get himself killed."

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