Your Crush saved you from your Boyfriend

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C/n: Crush's name

B/f: Boyfriend's name

T/n: Teacher's name

Y/n:Your name


"Good morning beautiful." you turn around as you feel strong arms embracing you completely.

 B/f your boyfriend of two months- then hugs you.

"Morning." you reply, you then close your locker door, and walk with him to your first lesson; Chemistry

Being with B/n is fine but lately he is being rude and his words make you cry.

you sit next to each other as always, but just before you sit down, you feel yourself getting accidentally run into C/n. "Oh Y/N, I'm so sorry!"

C/N is  popular and the school's most handsome guy. He is in all of your classes, you sometimes talk  but nothing more since he is reserved. 

He's really nice to you but For some reason only to you. According to other students,he is rude and arrogant.

Recently you have been feeling sparks whenever your hands brush together. why does he have this affect on me? You wonder "Oh no C/N that's alright, are you okay?"

He nods and moves to his corner of the classroom. After the lesson, you go to your locker

.You don't have the next lesson with B/n, so he simply gives you a hug and says "I love you just make sure you don't go whoring around with other guys when i'm not around "

"I don't..." This made tears fill your eyes.

He knows that you are a virgin and you still haven't had your first kiss. 

"Hey Y/N." C/N mutters in his deep voice looking as handsome as ever

"Hey C/N." You reply."I'm really sorry about earlier.I never want to hurt you"

"C/N, I told you, it's fine, didn't even feel it."He smiles. 

"Okay, well umm, can I maybe possibly walk you to English?"

You nod. "That would be lovely C/N."

His face brightens. "Come on then babygirl" You blush

He grabs your hand so that you both can walk side-by-side.

He sits with you in English but halfway through the lesson, you notice B/f standing outside your classroom. He knocks on the door and then comes in. "Excuse me, T/N, can I please speak to Y/N outside? It's really important."

T/N nods. "Sure,"You  get up and go talk to him outside, excusing yourself to C/N. 

Once your outside, he harshly grabs your hand and takes you to an empty corridor 

"Hey, your hurting me"You say, tears forming in your eyes 

"Shut up you whore" He shouts. You flinch "I leave you for one period and you go around spreading your legs for another man"

"I d-did n-no such thing " You say shaking

"Y/N, I really don't want to do this, I love you, I really do, but I need to show you that you belong to me" and he starts leaning close to you, trying to kiss you. You push him "S-Stop"

*Sting* He slapped you

You cry

"Why are you doing this"


"Please don't " you cry. his hold on your arm tighten. It will surely leave a bruise

Suddenly he is removed and you see C/n standing there with a fierce look. He looks like he is going to kill B/n.

"How dare you hurt her!?!" He say in his deep and sexy voice

they both then start throwing punches at each other. Looking at the commotion, teacher arrives and breaks them both

"What happened?"T/n said

"B/n hurt Y/n" C/n said

"Oh my! Don't worry He will be suspended" T/n said

Then C/n held your hand and took you outside till his bike

"Are you ok?Are you Hurt??" He ask

"No. Thank you"you reply

He gently wipe your tears "Angels don't cry. Please I can't see you cry" he says

You hug him and bury your head in his chest. You both stay like that for a while. "Come on I'll take you back home" he said and you nodded.

 You hopped onto his bike and gave him your address.

Your parents were not at home so you invited him inside.

"Oh my!! You're hurt. let me clean that up" you said as you notice his knuckles were bruised

"Its fine. It doesn't even hurt"He said

"Nonsense. you saved me its the least i can do" you said while looking for the first aid kit

You made him sit on the couch, stood between his legs and started cleaning his knuckles. When you looked at him you noticed him looking at you. 

"Done "you replied and started to move when you stumbled and fell upon C/n. your green eyes lock with his blue one

Still laying on top of him you heard him whisper to you "so pretty......Can I kiss you?"

Still being in a daze you brought your lips closer to his.

Your lips met,he kissed you softly, slowly. 

you felt the world turned around you both, blurring and disappearing. You had to hold onto his shoulders to keep from slipping away with it, gasping at the sensation that came roaring to life inside you. your lips parted with that gasp, and C/n, with a growl of pure want, kissed you again, this time hard and deep.

You slowly part away, gasping for air

 "Wow"you heard him murmur "I can never get enough of you. You're an angel and you deserve better"

You blushed unable to look into his eyes and say "Did I do ok? It was actually my first kiss"

He gently grabbed your chin and made you look into his eyes "It was mine too and you were just amazing"

You giggled and kissed him again. he carried you both to your room and you cuddled

 he carried you both to your room and you cuddled

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