Argument with Mafia Boyfriend

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You were crying while having an argument with your mafia Boyfriend. He couldn't see you crying so he left the room.

You were still mad at him but didn't want to talk to him since you feel guilty. You were sleeping in your bed while your face was away from the door.

The bed dipped and you felt a cold hand on your waist. You look behind and see your boyfriend bf/n.

"What are you doing?" you questioned but bf/n didn't reply.

Suddenly he spoons you and says, "Shut up and sleep."

You stay quiet and feel a kiss planted on top of your temple. You hear him mutter, "I love you, I am sorry"

You smile to yourself and reply "I love you more. I am sorry too."

You both then cuddled up and sleep.


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Hope you liked this part!!

Will try and make the next parts more interesting.

You all are free to share me some ideas !!!

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