Kissing your Crush

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Imagine You and c/n are just friends. He's over your house, and you and him are watching a chick flick. 

You nudge his side and say, "You're such dork for paying attention to a chick flick." 

C/n playfully turns his head and raises eyebrow at you and says "What did you just call me?" 

You just shrug it off and say "Nothing". 

C/n hovers over your body while saying. "Tell me what you called me... or... I'll tickle you." 

He starts tickling you and you squirm underneath him. 

He stops tickling you and the only sound you can hear is his and yours soft giggles. 

He stops and looks into your eyes and caresses your cheek and says softly.

"You know you're beautiful right?" Justin starts leaning in and kisses you softly. You surprisingly kiss him back. 

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that." he whispers against your lips.

 "Me neither dork" you say.

 "Me neither dork" you say

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