Introducing your famous boyfriend to parents

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You and bf/n had been secretly going out for about 3 months, nobody knew except you, bf/n friends and his parents. You decided not to tell your parents as you were sure they wouldn't approve. Today was your guys 3 month anniversary so you decided you'd tell your parents about you and bf/n. 

You woke up and decided to text bf/n "Hey babe, Can you meet me at the park near my house in 30 minutes? xx'. 

bf/n didn't know that you were going to tell your parents about you both today. You didn't want to tell them alone though. You wanted bf/n right by side when you Told them. You quickly got changed Into your jeans and a knitted jumper the one that your boyfriend loved. You quickly put your shoes on and ran out the door to the park. As you walked through the gate you could see bf/n playing on a swing, you started to walk to him but as he saw you he quickly ran over to hug you

"Hey beautiful what do you want to do?But before you answer open this " He said handing you a silver box. 

It had a beautiful necklace inside. "Aww bf/n its beautiful and here open this" You said handing him a bag. You watched his eyes light up as he opened

"Thankyou babe" He said hugging you. You were worried bf/n wouldn't like the present you got him. It was a photo album full of pictures of you both. 

"What do you want to do today then? "He said with a big grin on his face. You were nervous about telling him about the parents thing but you knew it was going to have to come out someday 

"Well ummm. I thought we could tell my parents about us?" You said nervously. You didn't know what bf/n was going to say. Was he going to be fine with meeting your parents?

"I'd love to, c'mon lets go " He said interlocking his fingers with yours. 

You walked still holding his hand with your head in his chest, You and bf/n finally arrived at your house. 

"You ready??" you said looking into his lush blue eyes. You both walked inside the house.Your parents were sitting on the couch in the living room. They were shocked to see who you were with.

"Mum. Dad. This is bf/n, bf/n this my mom and dad"You said as they all shake hands. You all sat talking to letting bf/n get to know your parents and your parents patting to know bf/n. 

They didn't even know bf/n was in a world famous band until now. Your mum called you into the kitchen to apparently help her make coffee.

"y/n. I'm unsure if your boyfriend is good for you. I mean hes a worldwide celeb! Hes got thousands of girls throwing themselves at him. How do you know he'll stay loyal? There are models throwing themselves at him, and well your just some regular girl" Your mum said. 

Had she really just said that? You ran out of the kitchen, through the living room and up the starts to your bathroom.

"Y/n are you okay??" you heard bf/n said when you ran past. You heard some footsteps coming up the stairs. You got a knock on your door.

"Go away mum" You said sobbing.

"its not her its me bf/n Are you ok babe? Oh please come out? I don't like it when your sad" He said sobbing. 

You unlocked the door and let bf/n in. He came and sat next to you. He put his arm round your shoulder as you put your head into his chest

"Oh bf/n they think you wont be loyal You said crying into his chest. You were getting his clothes wet from all the tears coming down your face, but he didn't mind.

He held your chin up and said "Y/N I'd never leave you, never cheat. Your all I'd ever need. Your the love of my life. I don't want us to be apart "He said. 

"It'll be ok babe,I always love you" he said kissing your forehead. 

You were worried about your parents about what they had to say. Would they stop you from seeing bf/n?

"We've decided to let you keep seeing bf/n he seems like he well and truly does love you" Your mum said. 

They were the words you wanted to hear. You, bf/n and your parents spent the whole afternoon talking. 

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