Boyfriend takes care during Period

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"How are you feeling Babygirl?" Bf/n whispers as he rolls towards you.

You usually don't share a bunk on the tour bus. It's just really small and makes the night go one of two ways. It either goes with one of you almost falling out with every bump in the road, or with one laying on top of the other.

That's how last night went, with you laying on top of him.

You'd started your period, and this go around was really rough. Your cramps were killing you, and you had a headache that downright had you trapped in bed. The thought of food made you nauseous but your stomach was ready to eat, anything but an iced cold Flow tasted like shit, and the fact that you were so uncomfortable left you with very little sleep so that meant you were cranky as all get out.

"My tummy hurts." You whine, burrowing closer to your bf/n.

He sighs, unsure of how else to help you right now. He feels so helpless, only getting to watch you be in pain.

"What can I do Baby? Tell me what to do to help you."

"Can I have some lucky charms?"

"Yeah, let me out and I'll get you some."

You rolled off him and curled into a ball with his maroon blanket from home. He stumbled down the hall and stopped short when he saw the rest of the team already up, dressed, and probably on their second cup of coffee.

He walks to the cabinet where the cold cereal is kept and just about loses his god damn mind when he sees that your box of lucky charms is missing.

"Where the fuck is the lucky charms?"

"I finished it last night." Bf/f/n smirks. "Sorry bro."

"No," He shakes his head, digging through the cabinet. "No no no! Fuck! Fucking shit."

"Woah, dude, chill it's just cereal." Bf/f/n snickers.

Bf/n turns and glares at the redhead. "No it's not. That was Y/n's fucking cereal she requested. That's the number one thing she craves when she's on her period and guess what? She started her fucking period and you, motherfucker, ate all her lucky charms."

Bf/f/n stares bf/n, and his heart starts beating faster.

"And you know what? You fucking asshole, you get to tell her."

"No, she's your girlfriend you know how to handle her."

"I don't feel like being ripped apart to shreds because you're some dickwad that thought he could just go around and eat whatever the fuck he wanted and be smug about it. Go, come on, you're telling her."

bf/n shoves bf/f/n down the corridor and slaps him until he speaks up.



"I'm sorry Hon, but I ate the rest of your lucky charms, we're out." He winces, expecting the shit to be beat out of him. But he pops his eyes open when he hears your quiet sobs.

"Fuck you," bf/n pushes past bf/f/n. "Look what you did." He points at bf/f/n to leave. "Baby, Baby," He crawls back into bed. "I'll get you more okay? I'll get you the big box, and I'll hide it from bf/f/n, and I'll get you some gummy bears, you're favorite, and some chocolate milk okay?"

"Okay," You sniffle crawling on top of him again. "You're the best boyfriend." You sigh when he starts softly rubbing your back to ease some of the pain.

"And I'll beat bf/f/n up, because he's an asshole."

"It's okay."

"Can I still beat him up because he annoys me?"

"Just don't make me bail you out of jail, I'm on my period."

"Okay deal." He giggles, kissing the top of your head.


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