Chapter 12 - 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑨𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚

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I said goodbye to them all and went outside, closing the door.

Just about as I was going to leave I noticed a letter on the triplets doorstep.

- from Cassie, it stated on the front.

"Hm?" I wondered to myself, picking it up.

I sat outside the door, unravelling the envelope and carefully pulling out the handwritten letter.

Dear Ella,

I wish I could of done this in person but I'm currently with my parents and my brothers looking around a college for myself next year.
I wanted to begin to say how horrible I'd been to you and ruining a part of prom for you.
Just never in my life I would of thought you'd love Matt like you did when you spoke about it when you where 13. He upset you for years and your hatred for him was crazy and I just didn't want a boy who hurt you a couple of years ago to do it again. Your one of my best friends Ella. I couldn't let it happen.
I've seen change in him, good change. He's always been nice to everyone in school but the more he socialised with you I notice a difference with his words and the way he acted. I knew he was starting to love you and I didn't want it. But I was suspicious of it all and I shouldn't of been.
All I wanted was for you to be happy.
You're happy now and I'm happy for you too.
I thought it would be nicer if it was on paper then on a screen.
I'm sorry and I love you lots Ella.

~ Cassie

Looking up from the letter I just smiled, everything was just the way I wanted it right now.

Things where fixed with Cassie, I was still best friends with Nick. I'm good with Chris, Rylie and Lilia and I'm in love with Matt with no problems anymore.

Like Matt said, if I'm happy then nothing matters.

Maybe I wasn't just Nicks dumb friend after all.


Sorry it's a really short chapter and again if things where rushed but I'm preparing for a new fanfic that's going to hopefully be better and I want to start it.

Love you!!

- Elle/Lily

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