Chapter 2 - "𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐𝒐?"

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As I walked from my previous class to detention I felt a familiar presence behind me.

Clenching my fists, standing right at the door, I knew exactly just who it was

"Just go away Matt." I loudly shout in his face, turning around. "I'm not befriending you."

"Room T106, yeah, you're not a rebel, Ella." He jokingly says. "Anyone can get a detention."


We both walk in with other students, the teacher places us both at the back and we take our seats.

Matt places his bag and begins to speak in a quiet tone, making sure the teacher doesn't hear a word, "Your different now Ella." He explains.

"You killed old me." I sigh.

He sits there speechless for a while, maybe I did shove some guilt down him after all.

"Ella." He sighs.

I refused to answer.

"Can we just forget the past?" He asks, clearly annoyed.

"Tell me that's a joke, not serious," I sarcastically laugh.

As he's about to speak, the teacher interrupts, commanding quiet.

Hoping for a break from his voice, my attention shifts to the sound of a pen on paper. He's writing something.

Passing a note my way, I open it, rolling my eyes.

I read, "Lift or walk in the rain."

With a fake smile, I shake my head.

"Whatever," I write back, passing it in return.

A smirks draws on his face, what is he trying to do?

After a while of the most boring detention I ever attended, I reluctantly walk to Matts car.

As he opens the front passenger door, I give him a forced smile, moving away from his gesture and opening the door for the back seats, settling in and buckling my seatbelt.

"I can't stand you sometimes!" I shout, my words gave a hint of hatred.

"If that's true, why agree to get into my car?" he questions.

At this point I'm pissed off, I make a move to open the door and get out but his voice stops me. "It's raining," he points out.

"Fine, and I also figured that out" shutting the door, my decision made to stay inside.

We didn't speak for the whole journey but then I started to notice this wasn't my usual route home that he would normally drive me back when Nick and Chris were in the car.

"Where are you going, Matt?" I ask folding my arms.

"I'm hungry, what do you want?" He smirks.

"What do I want." I scoff "WHAT DO I WANT." "Nothing brought by your money, so just hurry up so I can get home soon, away from you" I sit back, pissed off.

I swear this is the most I have ever had to speak to Matthew Sturniolo.

"Fine, chill out, Young. I'll be quick." He says with a smile.

"I swear to god you let that 'nickname' slip out your mouth one more time!" shocked he'd say that whilst I'm in this mood that he created.

"Ella, I mean." He corrects himself.

"Better, now why are you being extra nice recently.." I fold my arms as we're in the line for the drive through.

"Because I thought of how much a dick I was 4 years ago." He sighs, like he's trying to convince me so quickly.

"Well, for starters. 'Sweetie', offering a girl food after getting her in a bad mood doesn't work. You're going to have to try better then that." I unwillingly respond back.

"You damaged me, for no reason at all when we where really good friends." I sigh.

"I had pressuring friends." Matt explains.

"But you weren't like that, it wasn't cool at all and I don't think I'll find myself forgiving you." I say, turning to face the window as he pulls up to order.

"Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get for you?" a faint voice crackles through the speaker.

"I'll have two, 9-piece chicken nugget meals, please," he orders cheerfully.

"Two?" I yell, interrupting his order.

"Anything else?" the lady inquires.

"No thank you," he responds.

"Okay, please pull up to the window."

He glances at me, "Yes, two. Wouldn't be right to only order for just myself. Nick and Chris wouldn't be too happy."

Turning my face annoyed, I smile a little as I was feeling quite hungry.

He looks into the front mirror, "Did I just see Ella Young smile because of me, that's new."

I try to wash the smile off but I'm unsuccessful so I keep my mouth quiet.
He isn't funny towards me but I smile/laugh at the smallest things and probably gave him the wrong impression.

He shakes his head and smiles as he pulls up to the window.

"Here's your food, sir." A lady says, handing over the food.

"Thank you." He smiles, paying then moving to the carpark to find a spot.

As he parks up, he hands me my food, "You look like you've been kidnapped, Ella. Sit in the front."

"No chance." I sarcastically laugh starting to eat.

All of a sudden, Matts phone starts ringing.

"Who's that?" I ask him.

"Nick, one moment." He says whilst picking up the phone.

"WHERES ELLA YOU ARE WITH HER ON SNAP MAPS!" Nick yells across the phone, startling me.

Matt chuckles, "I gave her a ride and grabbed some food because we were stuck in detention. She's not the happiest about the situation, but she'll be heading home soon."

"Oh my goodness Matt, just bring her to ours. What is wrong with you?" Nick says before declining the call.

Matt looks back at me then starts driving.

After the drive of us two hardly talking, mostly me refusing, we turn up back at his house at 4pm.

We enter the door and Nick greets me with a hug, "sorry he took you for along I knew you would get so fucking pissed off!" He exclaims.

"I'm fine, Nick, it's okay." I smile at him.

"Hey Chris!" I grin as he pulls me into a hug.

Chris settled onto the sofa, his voice filled with anticipation as he asked, "Do you guys wanna watch something? I'm bored."

"Sure." I smile. " I have 4 hours till I have to head back." I finish my sentence whilst sitting down beside Nick.

We decide to watch the movie, IT and Matt sits next to me throughout the movie with a bit of a distance.

I glance at him, we held eye contact but I cut it short.

Maybe today wasn't the worse.

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