Chapter 17 - Protector of the Way

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"There is no such thing as right or wrong. Nobody is perfect. Sometimes, we will have to do uneasy, even questionable deeds in the name of the greater good. What is defined here as 'greater good' is this Order's overall goal to promote enlightenment, increase happiness, and reduce misery on the absolute scale of our perceived reality. Sometimes, this means difficult choices.

Yet, do take note on the goal order: if you can, always, always prioritize positive growth in the shared consciousness of the Universe. Reduction should be used only as a last resort."

– Grandmaster Magus Dei, in address to the Radiant Order

The present, Ilsorin, last bastion of the Order of the Radiant Knights

Airo ran along the arctic ramparts. He steadily made his way to the top of the mountain, toward the stone keep, where the stronghold's training grounds were located. He had chosen the scenic route deliberately, in desire to experience what was to ascend Ilsorin on one's own, and to dwell on the sudden proposition he had been given.

His presence had been requested for 'team training'. The notion felt absurd to him, as he still wasn't comfortable to be around others, despite his recent changes. So coordinated maneuvers were out of the question. As for sparring, he easily outclassed all Knights, except the dragons and possibly Lylana. Again, a meaningless loss of time. Yet deep down, he actually looked forward to the idea of sparring. He hadn't had much opportunity to be directly involved in combat since his re-awakening, except during Dragon Retreat's fall and the recruitment of Captain Riley's company, and his warrior's spirit thirsted for battle.

The stone walkways carried him upward, passing over steep slopes and jutting peaks. The walkways branched into scores of directions, each leading to an open area – landing zones, external fortifications, simple overlook terraces – or to entrances of the main stronghold. The path to the top looped across the mountain, cutting into sheer cliffs, or hanging above perilous crags, the rough rock tamed into a gentle servant, reinforced with crystal and composite metamaterials, or bypassed entirely by bridges made of hard light. Battlements were built everywhere, their massive bulk providing secure cover, enhanced by the protective canopy of shields emitters mounted on thick pillars.

Airo's hands and face tingled, and he quickened the pace, bounding up the huge stairways and broad walkways. He had shed his armor, and was dressed in a plain, comfortable uniform to fight in during training. He had taken a shields belt to protect against the cold, yet even with the assistance of advanced technology, the freezing weather still bit at his exposed skin. Airo focused on running, applying the meditative practices ingrained in him so long ago at the Starspire Academy. He tuned out everything around, until the whole world narrowed down to his breathing, moving body and the path ahead.

At last, he reached the training grounds. He checked the chronometer. Forty minutes. Excellent time. He ascended the central stone stairway, and a scene of bustling activity revealed before him.

The entire Order was here. A climate-controlling field had been raised over the training grounds, and the Radiant Knights had all taken off their red-gold armors, wearing simple freeflowing garments instead. They had gathered in one impressive crowd to train in a collective manner, executing joint maneuvers against Æther illusions, sparring with each other, or did basic exercises in unison. Dragons flew above the training grounds, testing their mettle, and spewed firebreath in blasts of hypercharged plasma.

Airo paused momentarily at the foot of the training grounds, stunned and impressed by the amazing displays despite himself. The sight of a sky filled with dragons made his mind churn with black memories. He suppressed those dark images, willing himself to focus on the bright, child-like wonder the spectacle before him brought, reminding himself for whom he tried to change. Regaining his composure, he fell into step and walked onto the training grounds.

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