One Little Spark

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A/N: A short time skip is occurring here. Please forgive any inaccuracies regarding pregnancy, as I do not possess medical knowledge or personal experiences in this area.


"It's a boy, congratulations!" Dr. Soo's warm smile spread across her face as she delivered the news to Jin and Jungkook

Jungkook's grin widened, a rush of excitement coursing through him as the news settled in. Meanwhile, Jin felt an overwhelming amount of emotions swirling inside him. His eyes began to sting due to the happy tears threatening to escape. He realised that all the emotional and physical challenges of pregnancy were worth it if it meant he could hold his son in his arms at the end of it. And that prospect only made him happier and more excited.

"Were you expecting a boy?" Dr Soo asked, while she went through Jin's reports.

Jin sighed softly "No, we hadn't really thought anything like it... Although, I think Jungkook may have secretly hoped for a baby girl" he said , biting his lips and stealing a glance at the younger. The thought made him fidget with the end of his shirt, wondering if Jungkook's feelings had shifted now that they knew it was a boy as he knew that Jungkook was kind if sure that they were having a girl.

Jungkook chuckled in response his grin growing broader. "Honestly, I'm just over the moon to be a dad, regardless of the gender. That was just a wild guess i had baby...i just want you and the baby healthy. It's all so... God! It's like I could feel my heart in my hands" he said, his hands gesturing animatedly. "This is like getting more and more real and i'm so excited" he added as he gently moved Jin's hair away from his forehead and placed a tender kiss on his temple. Jin started blushing deeply, feeling overwhelmed by Jungkook being affectionate to him,especially in front of others.And he had noticed that as the pregnancy progressed, Jungkookn was becoming more and more caring and loving towards him.

Dr. Soo cooed at the sight of the two, her smile widening. " Perhaps next time, you'll have a little girl!" she suggested casually shrugging

Jin coughed slightly, caught off guard by her suggestion, his cheeks flushing even more. He was afraid to look at Jungkook's face, not wanting to see if he was horrified by the idea . Jin wished Dr. Soo would complete his appointment quickly  so no one would notice the the slight blush creeping on his cheeks..his heart was pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness inside

Jungkook scratched his head awkwardly and huffed discreetly to hide his won embarrassment "Doctor , so is everything okay with him and the baby?" He asked to divert the topic from the current situation

Dr. Soo smiled reassuringly. "Everything looks perfect. Your baby boy is healthy and developing wonderfully "she replied

Jin let out a sigh of relief, his heart swelling with joy. "Thank you, Doctor!"he said gratefully with a soft smile playing on his lips.

"But you do keep your BP in check still..I'm still not liking the way that is going" The doctor said, concern lacing his voice. "Have you been stressing a lot lately?"

Jin shrugged"Ah!!you know how it is..You saw all the news and stuff " he replied casually.

"I do, but don't take it lightly. It's not good for you or the baby" Dr Soo insisted. "Take all medications correctly, and please try to stay calm as much as you activities that can make you feel relaxed, like meditation or anything taht looks good to you " she suggested

Jin nodded in agreement as he got down the bed he was laying and straightened his clothes "I can't wait to meet him" Jin said with a smile, his eyes shining with love and adoration .

Jungkook squeezed Jin's hand gently with the  a look of pure happiness on his face. " Me too baby!"

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