07. Confidential

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Congrats! You've clicked on the most boring chapter of this blog. It's about me. Let's get this done with.

I'm a girl. I'm 16. I like almost everything and I hate almost everything. I also love almost everything. It all depends on my mood. But then there are also some things that I have constant hatred for, like rude and mean people.

I don't want to make this an "omg! She's so pure and sweet! I love her and her writings" post. Because, let's face it, nobody is perfect and nobody will ever be. And yeah I also don't like perfect people and the idea of perfectionism.

I might be neurodivergent (go search on google and get yourself educated about it) as I suspect that I could be having ADHD or OCD. I'm not sure about it because I've yet to be diagnosed. I like to blame most of my icks on these two disorders.

When I'm making something, I would want it to be perfect (I know. I just said I didn't like perfect but in this case, I can't help it) and I also would want it to be exactly like how I want. I get mad if other people mess with it.

I do not have control over my thoughts. I'm thinking about one thing or other almost everytime or I have a song stuck in my head. Sometimes, I'm sensitive to the sounds around me, like the TV, pen-clicking, or even the ticking of the clock.

I am very stubborn and I absolutely hate change. It took me a while to figure this out. Whenever my family made plans last minute, it would make me so mad and I could never figure out what to do so I always ended up crying. Oh, oh my god, Crying!!!

So, I cry a lot. And no, I'm not depressed or anything and I don't cry myself to sleep every night. Whenever somebody raises their voice at me, especially my dad, I cry. When people get mad at me or don't talk to me, like my close friends, I cry. When I'm watching emotional movies, I cry. Yeah, I am a Crybaby.

I think I'm so emotional because I might be a highly sensitive person or an HSP (a second trip to Google, off you go). I feel things a bit too much. More than I should actually feel. It's both a good and bad thing if you ask me.

You see, when people around me are happy, I am happy but if any of my classmates is sad and I get to know the reason why, I feel more sad. I feel so sorry for them that I would want to hug and comfort them even if we haven't talked that much.

I believe that I can predict a person's personality and character without them actually telling the details. I can just feel it. I can sense their inner character I guess and I've been right in most of the cases.

I love music, more than anything in this world. I get so lost listening to songs, feeling every beat and rhythm. I probably can't live without it.

I'm also an eldest daughter meaning I have two younger sisters. I know I know. So far it's not THAT bad. I can handle it most of the time and no matter how much I scold or taunt them, I still love my sisters.

I don't have much plans for the future except I wouldn't want a job where I'd have to do the same thing everyday. I would very much like a job where I could help and make people happy in any way.

Well I guess that's it. This is all I could think of currently but I know I'll keep telling about myself here and there in my blogs.

P.S. - I'm so sorry for updating so late that y'all prolly thought I was dead or something. But I'll try my best to update regularly hereafter.
Please vote the chapter guys.
It really helps and motivates me.
Also tysm for reading this <3
You guys are the bestest!

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