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A happy hello to everyone reading this!!

First of all, thank you for clicking on this and deciding to go through this mess!

This is going to be my blog, where I post my opinions and reviews about entertainment, relationships, societal norms, education and everything else I belong to or relate to.

Everything that I write and post is just from the point of view of my tiny brain and is not meant to harm or offend anyone in any way. But if I ever do so, I apologise in advance.

I have always been fond of books and poetry and I've got positive comments from my family and friends on my writings. So I thought that I  might as well start posting stuff for an audience or something like that. 

Anyway, I've also thought of creating a social media account so that I can interact with you guys more. I'll be open to suggestions, criticism and compliments so if you ever feel like there is something that you want to let me know, don't hesitate. 

This is something new that I'm going to do so it might take some time for me to adjust it into my daily schedule.

Well, looks like I've said almost everything that I had to. It's mostly going to be what I think, what I speak and what I do and nothing special but if you can relate to it, then I'm glad I'm not the only one!

I'll see you in my next post!

Until then,



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