01. Death

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Everybody will eventually die

Nothing lasts forever

We all know it but we chose to silently ignore the fact. When I say "we" I am definitely included in it.

Death is one of my worst fears.

I never fully recovered from somebody's death. Even to this day, when I remember them, it always ends with me crying. Is this how you're supposed to feel? Is that how you move on? Do you silently erase them from your memory or bury them so deep inside yourselves that even you can't dig them?

The death of a beloved person always left me with two feelings. Sorrow and regret. Sorrow as they won't be there anymore and regret that I hadn't cared for them enough.

The sorrow fades after some time but the regret is what emerges first every time you think of the episode.

"I took them for granted. How did I not see this coming? How can I be so stupid to think they'll be with me forever? I should've noted down their recipes in a notebook. I shouldn't have deleted that voice note of theirs. I should've told them how much I love them and what they mean to me. I should've asked them whether they were proud of me. I promised that I'd buy them their favourite car when I grew up. What will happen to that promise? Whom will I complain about my mom now? Who will scold her? Who will taunt me? Only if I could hug them for one last time."

We hurt people when they're with us and then cry when they're gone. How will they know what they meant to you?

Feelings are momentary but relationships last forever.

You can tell a boy how madly you love him today and then curse at him tomorrow when you break up. He will change from a boyfriend to an ex. You can never erase him from your life even if you want to.

You Only Live Once.

Whoever said that should be ruling the world because he almost gave the solution to every problem.

Please vote the chapter guys.
It really helps and motivates me.
Also tysm for reading this <3
You guys are the bestest!

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