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Barty chuckles. "Just remember Sirius and Remus's wedding. We went crazy."

"Oh my god. I remember that. It was so fucking funny." Alexandra laughed.

She turned to Dean. "So get this, we got shitfaced and had smoked so much pot that we got arrested by police in muggle London. We were in holding until Uncle Orion posted bail for us."

Regulus shuddered as he heard his father's name. "The lecture we got from him. One of the most terrifying moments of my life."

Barty huffed a laugh. "You both forgot the best part." All of them started laughing and wheezing like crazy.

"Man, I still have that guy's number," Sirius said with a giggle.

"If you think getting arrested in muggle London and being kept overnight in a holding cell was fun then sure," Evan retorts.

Regulus side-eyes Evan with a teasing smile. "No need to be prissy Evie. Just because you were about to become a don's bitch doesn't mean that it wasn't fun."

"No one expected that a real gangster would have the eyes for Rosie," James muttered under his breath with a fond smile. Alexandra laughed. "AND HE WAS HOT TOO!" She exclaimed.

James and the rest burst into a fit of laughter again.

Sirius guffaws, wiping a stray tear from his eye. "Oh Rosie, I almost forgot about that. I think I still have that guy's address somewhere."

"Oh no, Siri. You made him mad. He's going to say something incriminating now."

Evan glares at him. "Paddie don't force me to tell Mooney about Patrick."

Sirius looked at the screen in horror. "Oh no, he went there."

"He really did," Barty said with a sigh.

Sirius's jaw drops. "YOU PROMISED!"

Remus crosses his arms in front of his chest and stares at his husband silently.

"It's about to be something fucked up."

Remus looked at Sirius who was trembling. He tried to give puppy eyes to Mooney but Remus stared at him with a blank stare.

Sirius shakes his head, looking like a deranged person. "Baby nothing happened with Patrick. I swear! He tried to make a move on me. So I made him think he had rabies."

Remus raised a brow. "What's more to it?" Sirius deflated. "Just hear future me out okay?"

"There's more and it's bad."

Barty snickers. "You forgot to mention you thought he was Mooney and were about to suck him off in the alley."


"You wanted me to hear that Paddy?" Remus spoke with a growl. Sirius shook his head. "At least I didn't suck him off?" He weakly offered. Remus growled and turned away.

"BUT YOU WERE ABOUT TO," Blaise shouted.

Sirius glared at him. "Kid don't cause problems or I'll sicc cousin cissy on you."

Hearing that Draco paled and looked away making Blaise frown. "What is your mother going to do?"

Draco shook his head. "You should ask what she isn't going to do if she finds that we're dating from Cousin Sirius."

Remus growls in anger making Sirius shiver. He laughs nervously. "Babe, why don't I show you how sorry I am when we get home?" He tries to offer. Remus looks away.

𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑; (𝗵𝗽 𝘅 𝘀𝗽𝗻) 𝘄𝘁𝘀Where stories live. Discover now