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She stomps her way inside a luxurious kitchen. "MOM! HAVE YOU MADE SOME FOOD? IM HUNGRY!" She yells as she snoops around the kitchen.

"The level of closeness you need to have to say stuff like that. Man, I wish I was cool with my parents," Draco mumbled under his breath.

Blaise nudged him. "Hey. It's okay dude."

"Fergus left some rare food items from Italy for you," Rowena says as she enters the kitchen.

"Who the fuck names their child Fergus?"

"Dude she's Scottish. Obviously, she's going to name her child Fergus."

Alexandra huffs a laugh. "He might be a slippery bastard but at least he's a good brother."


Rowena hands over a huge carton to Alexandra. "Warm it up with your magic or whatever. It's authentic pasta and pizza." She says sarcastically.

"Damn, I really wish I had pizza from Naples right now." Blaise sighed. "You know what? I'll take you two on a date to Naples and Italy in general. I have a few villas there."

Theodore huffed. "Such a show-off."

Alexandra snorts. "And where's the good stuff?"

"That's how I know she's my baby sister," James muttered.

Rowena rolls her eyes. "You and Fergus I swear! Two bottles of Craig's and two bottles of vodka from Sicilian grains found on Mount Etna."

"HELL YEAH, THATS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" Blaise exclaimed. "Bro left some real good stuff."

Alexandra grins. "He usually isn't that generous. He's bribing me."

Rowena smirks. "Of course he is. He didn't become the king of crossroads just like that."

"King of the crossroads? What do they mean?"

As they're talking, Gabriel and Dean walk into the kitchen.

Dean is holding a glass of scotch in his hand while Gabriel is holding a lollipop. "What are my favorite girls doing?" Gabriel asks.

"Lollipop? Is this the new cigarette trend?"

"Bitching about your stepson," Alexandra retorts.

"Stepson? That's some tea right there."

Gabriel huffs. "Fergus is an amazing kid okay? He may be a little slippery and slytheriny but he's a good kid."

"Slytheriny? So he knows about Hogwarts? Huh."

Dean snorts. "Are we talking about the same guy? Crowley? I fucking hate that guy."

"HAHA, of course, he would hate him." "Dean's a Gryffindor for sure."

"Oi! No talking bad about my son." Rowena chides which makes Alexandra laugh.

"She doesn't look that old to have a son that's around the same age as Alexandra."

"He's a good brother. He acts like Reggie and Barty combined. Ha! Their love child!" Alexandra snorts.

"A love child of us? Huh. I'm curious about this guy," Regulus spoke with a raised eyebrow.

Alexandra lets out a tired sigh. "Man, I miss my brothers."

Sirius turned to look at James. "I told you she still remembers us."

"See? You were worrying about absolutely fucking nothing."

𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑; (𝗵𝗽 𝘅 𝘀𝗽𝗻) 𝘄𝘁𝘀Where stories live. Discover now