Chapter 10 - Magazines and Questions

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Fred's POV

I whistled to myself walking down Diagon Alley. I was meeting Diane for brunch. I never did brunch, but she begged me to go. I caught sight of her in front of a flower shop just a few meters away. She waved smiling, which I returned.

"Hey you," she said leaning to kiss me when I reached her. I kissed her back, still noticing how I didn't feel much from it. I had always heard when you kiss someone you love you feel like a spark or something. I knew I didn't love Diane, but maybe I could learn to. Everyone around me had someone at this point, I felt as if I was running out of time. "Let's head inside." When I went to take a step, something caught my eye on the shelf inside the flower shop.

"You head on in, I'll meet you in just a minute." She nodded before walking into the restaurant we were having brunch at. I moved into the flower shop sending a nod to the owner. I moved to their shelving they had for things like the prophet and grabbed the magazine that had caught my eye. I stared at the paper in awe at the cover. I quickly flipped through the thin magazine feeling some sort of emotion at it all. Before I could think much about it, I paid for the magazine and ran to the shop. George was standing at the counter when I flew through the door breathing heavy.

"Everything okay Freddie?" I marched up to the counter and slammed the magazine onto the surface.

"What's this?" George had a knowing grin on his face.

"Whatever do you mean dear brother?" I glared at my twin and his stupid grin. I was suddenly feeling very angry...or hostile, I'm not sure really.

"You clearly know what I mean idiot." George grabbed the magazine and flipped through it just as I had. "Why is she in a magazine? She hates doing stuff like that! No one's been able to get her to do any interviews or shoots since a few months or so after the war."

"Oh wow, Hermione certainly went all out for this one," he commented scanning her section. I snatched the magazine from his hand staring at the cover.

I stared a second longer before walking toward the office

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I stared a second longer before walking toward the office. I didn't know what I was going to say to her, but I was feeling something from this stupid magazine. I couldn't explain what that feeling was.

"She's not here Freddie," George said all too happily. He seemed to be enjoying whatever was going on with me. "What's got the bee in your bonnet?"

"I-" I sighed rubbing my hand through my hair. "Nothing. I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine," he said jutting out his lower lip. I rolled my eyes looking down at the magazine again. There were two other pictures accompanying the one that had been on the cover.

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