Chapter 5 - Peircings and Lunch

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Hermiones POV

I stared at the file of papers in front of me, but I couldn't focus. I made a bold move, but it didn't work out the way I thought. Feeling his fingers skim my made my heart race. When he grabbed the front to see more of the tattoo...I was ready to drop the whole damn thing. Then I thought he was going to kiss me, but I was wrong. I groaned putting my head in my hands. I pulled my phone out of my bag sending the groupchat with my girls a quick text.

Please can we go for drinks later?

Gin: What happened?

Pansy: I'm always down for drinks

Luna: I may have to bring Neville, but I'm in!

Pansy: If she brings Neville, I'm bringing Theo.

That's fine...I'll explain later

I set my phone on the desk and dove back into work. I quickly developed a new filing system, but it required me taking everything out of the large file cabinet they had. By the time five had rolled around, I was nowhere near done. The boys had come to check on me throughout the day and offered to help. I declined knowing they'd throw my whole plan into disarray. Grabbing my purse, I moved to the door to leave. I found the twins at the register helping a customer.

"Bye guys, I'll see you tomorrow." They waved back as I walked out the door. Ginny was already waiting for me when I stepped into the chilly air. "No questions until I have a drink in my hand," I grumbled walking down the street. She nodded and followed me to The Leaky Cauldron without a word. We quickly found a booth in the back right as Pansy and Theo walked through the door.

"Good evening ladies," Theo said cheerily sliding into the booth. When he saw my face he changed his tone and gave me a straight face. "Oh this is one of those drink nights, got it." I couldn't stop the smile. He grinned knowing he broke my sour mood like he usually does. Theo was like that older brother who always knew how to fix things. Once Luna and Neville had joined us, all eyes were on me.

"I might've fucked up," I groaned placing my head on the table. Questions flew at me left and right. I sat up to find a shot in front of me. Theo winked letting me know who gave it to me. I shot back the bitter liquid. "Okay so..."

I recounted the entire day to them. I ignored the shock from the boys that I had tattoos and went on with my story. I spoke of every single minute of Fred touching my body lightly and tracing the lines of my tattoos. When I got to the point he almost kissed me, Ginny was on the edge of her seat. Her bubble was popped when I told them Fred stepped away from me and left the office.

"What the fuck?" She asked sounding exasperated. I only looked at Theo who nodded and got up to get me another shot.

"Pansy I sometimes wish I would've gotten Theo first," I said making her laugh. She knew she was lucky beyond measures. Theo returned handing me the glass. The rest of the night was spent with all of them giving me advice.

"Mione, you're not the type to give up so easily...I say keep swinging," Neville said from where he sat with his arm wrapped around Luna. They all agreed that I shouldn't give up and try and make some more bold moves. Pansy was adamant that he would have kissed me.

"If Fred doesn't go for you, he's the biggest idiot on the planet," Theo chuckled waving for the bill. Ginny perked up when we were going to leave drawing all attention to her.

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