Chapter 7 - Leather and Stealing

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Fred's POV

I hummed to myself as I made breakfast for the day. It'd been three days since my first date with Diane and I found myself quite liking the girl. I was trying to come to terms with Hermione falling for another guy and I think this was the first step.

"Why are you cooking?" George asked sitting down at my table.

"Hi George, please come in," I said sarcastically to my twin. He grinned in return.

"So how was your date with Diane?" He asked grabbing an apple from the bowl of fruit I had on the table.

"It was good." I put my eggs on my plate. I sat across from George as he bit into his apple.

"Think you'll see her again?" I nodded eating my breakfast. "Are you sure?" I looked up at my twin seeing him eyeing me carefully.

"What do you mean?" I asked chewing. He shrugged trying to play cool. He should know better than to hide things from me. I'm his twin for crying out loud.

"I'm just wondering if she's the one for you, that's all," he said before taking another bite from his apple.

"I don't know George. She's nice, we have fun, I don't know what else to say."

"I just think you should keep your options open." When he finished his sentence I dropped my fork to my plate.

"What is this about?" I asked staring at him.

"What about Hermione?" I looked at him confused. I had never mentioned to him that I had a thing for Hermione. Unlike him, I can hide shit.

"What about her?"

"Oh don't even try to act like you don't like her. I've caught you two in a few heated moments. Just yesterday you were laughing about something and this close to kissing." He held up his fingers to show how close we supposedly were. "You like her Freddie, just admit it! I'm honestly surprised you both haven't exploded and fucked in the office." I sighed realizing he knew completely. Maybe I wasn't good at hiding things.

"It doesn't matter if I do, she doesn't like me like that man." He snorted at my words causing me to glare at him.

"I'm sure she does," he said getting more serious.

"She doesn't. We talked about a guy she liked and my name was nowhere in that statement. Diane is a nice girl...I can't keep pining after someone who doesn't want me in that way." George opened his mouth to say something else, but I changed the subject before he could. "Are you going to that ball next week?" He sighed, but went with the subject change anyways.

"Yeah, Angelina is excited. She's going with Ginny and Hermione to shop for dresses...hopefully it doesn't cause a pregnancy breakdown." I laughed continuing to dig into my breakfast. George and I talked a bit more, but he left to go open the shop. When I heard the door close, I put my head in my hands. Hermione doesn't like me that way. Diane likes me...I need to enjoy it while it's here.

Hermiones POV

I moved the papers around getting irritated. I was going over the books again and things weren't adding up. I started running my finger down the line of supply orders we had got in today once more. Somethings not right...

"Mione can I ask you a question?" Fred grumbled toying with one of their contraptions.

"Sh!" I snapped reading each line carefully. He grumbled something else, but I didn't hear it. I could feel him watching me carefully, but I couldn't care at the moment. He stepped around my desk to look at what I was looking at.

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