Chapter 11 - Balls and Rain

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A/n: Listen...I'm questioning that chapter title...anywho, enjoy!

Hermiones POV

I stared at myself in the mirror looking like a zombie fresh from hell. Our spa day was fine, but then I had come home and couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night. My curlers were wild and falling out. I don't even know why I tried to do my hair the muggle way. Maybe it made me feel closer to my mum using her curlers. Maybe I just wanted to. Now I regret it. These damn things are uncomfortable to sleep in. I rolled my eyes at myself before removing them one by one. Some of them had been successful. Others...not so much. Several of the stupid bits had gotten tangled in my hair. I probably ripped out quite a bit of my hair during these twenty minutes of pulling. I blew on the curl that had fallen in front of my face in frustration.

"Oh dear Salazar." I turned to see Pansy standing in my doorway. "You look like first year beaver head..." she said looking as if my hair has offended her. Ginny poked her head over Pansy's shoulder and cringed.

"Holy frizzball central..."

"Okay, ha ha, fix it!" I yelled pointing at my lions mane. Pansy jumped into action dropping her bags on my bed. I turned back to the mirror relaxing in my chair. Pansy was a wiz when it came to hair and makeup. The whole article Astoria had written on her was about her new apothecary she was opening in Diagon Alley. She had made several advances in that area.

"Easy fix," she said more to herself than me. I just closed my eyes and let her take the reins. "I'm going to just go ahead and work on your makeup since you're like this."

"Go ahead," I said relaxing into my comfy chair. The girls had asked if they could get ready here like old times. Pansy was a new addition, but we loved it nonetheless.

"Good morning," Luna spoke softly as she entered my bedroom. "I brought breakfast." We spent our morning going slow and enjoying each other's company as we got ready for the ball. I didn't want to go anymore honestly. I felt as if all of this mess with Fred had gotten out of hand. I had started to wish I had never had that dream. It opened a whole can of worms I wasn't prepared for.

"We'll meet you downstairs," Ginny said winking at me. They walked out in their dresses leaving me to continue to stare at mine. Pansy had put my hair up in some fancy bun with little tendrils hanging here and there. My makeup was a bit dramatic for my taste, but they all seemed to believe I should make a statement. I shimmied on my dress before searching for my gold heels I had tucked away in my closet. I purchased them one day thinking I would wear them to go clubbing with the girls. They remained in the box they came in since then. I liked my sensible shoes. Once that was done, I moved to my vast amount of jewelry. I took my time changing each piercing to a gold piece. Thankful for magic, I was able change the color of my nose piercing to gold as well. I grabbed my clutch making my way downstairs.

"Okay, I'm not even mad I won't be the center of attention," Pansy said releasing a whistle. I rolled my eyes, but it still brought a smile to my face. I felt as beautiful as they said I was.

"Is Draco coming here?" Luna asked.

"No. I have to meet him at the venue and enter with him since he's the host. His mother said this would be good for a unity image or something." Narcissa Malfoy was all for taking care of ones image. We joined hands before apparating to the venue.

"Nervous Granger?" Malfoy asked adjusting his suit.

"What would I have to be nervous about?" He chuckled holding his arm out to me. We waited for the welcome speech to finish before the announcer gave us our queue to enter. Draco was the host, so in regular dramatic fashion, he was to be introduced.

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