Chapter 12 - Waiting and Cakes

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Fred's POV

I stood in shock staring at the spot she had just stood at. Love? She was in love with me? The rain fell harder, but I ignored it. All this time...I felt like the biggest idiot on the planet. How could I be so oblivious to it all? I told myself day after day she didn't like me anymore than a friend. I beat the idea into my head. I wouldn't let myself believe we could be anything more. I had constantly pulled away convinced she didn't like me that way. I convinced myself it would ruin the amazing friendship we had built if I even tried anything. I ended up hurting the both of us more than anything.

"Fred, get out of the rain! You're going to make yourself sick!" I turned to see Ginny and Harry standing under the covered entrance along with several others. They had probably seen everything that had just occurred. I walked partially up the stairs staring directly at my sister. Malfoy stood beside them with his hands in his pockets.

"How long?" I asked. I could hear the sadness in my voice myself.

"What?" She asked yelling over the sound of the rain.

"How long have I been fucking it all up?" The look I received in return hurt even more. Ginny looked sad and disappointed. Disappointment from someone you love is the worst feeling.

"For too long. You need to fix this!"

"But how?"

"Go!" She threw her hands about as if it were obvious. "You're standing here beating yourself up instead of fixing it! Go to her you idiot!"

"Weasley, you need to stop denying the truth and get on with it," Malfoy yelled over the rain. Harry nodded in agreement next to him.

I stared at them a moment more before turning back to walk the same path she had before. I didn't turn back to the crowd, not even when Diane yelled for me to come back. I disapparated landing in the backyard of her house. I stared up at the window where her room was. It was dark, the whole house was. When I tried to twist the handle on her backdoor, I was met with resistance. She had warded the house. I couldn't get in. I banged on the door loudly. I ran back to the center of the garden where I could see her bedroom window. The light had been turned on now.

"Hermione!" I hollered trying to get any bit of her attention I could. "Hermione I know you can hear me!" I shivered from my soaking wet clothes. The rain wasn't falling here, but I was still freezing from standing in it before. I saw her curtains swish slightly. "Hermione please talk to me." Silence was all that answered me. The light in her room turned back off. "You don't have to talk, but you will listen! I know I fucked up! I want to fix this! I will come back here every single damn day until you talk to me! I know I might be too late, but I'm not giving up." The light never turned back on. I sat in her garden for another hour hoping she would come outside.

Hermiones POV

Fred held true to his word that night. He came back every single day since. It had been one week since the dreaded ball. I had received several letters and texts. I hadn't let anyone into my house. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I was embarrassed for the scene I caused, but also embarrassed for admitting all of that out loud to Fred. Fred continued to sit outside in my garden each day for a few hours. He would holler to get my attention and then sit there and have a one sided conversation. I didn't know how to feel about it. I had came home that night hellbent on freezing my heart to him. I told myself all of those feelings would go away because I couldn't have them continue to muddy up my mind.

I heard Fred holler my name as he got comfortable in on of the lawn chairs I had on my patio. I peaked out the curtains to see him staring straight up at my window. Unfortunately, I couldn't hide anymore. It was wedding week for Harry and Ginny. I would have to leave the house and take down my wards soon. My phone started ringing pulling my attention away from the window.

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