Chapter 8 - Disappointment and Tears

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Hermiones POV

Two days had passed since Wilson was fired and everything was finally adding up. The numbers were all right and I was immensely satisfied with myself. I smiled writing in the last number in the books. The books were all caught up. The only thing I wanted to do was celebrate my little victory. Some people think it's dumb how I react to these things, aka Ron, but I can't help it.

"Hey boys," I said walking out to the shop floor. It had been pretty slow today without our usual students around.

"Why do you look so happy?" George asked grinning at me.

"I just finished the books. They are all caught up. Everything adds up perfectly. I want to celebrate." They both chuckled, but didn't give any sarcastic remarks about it. "So, let's go to lunch at Sparrow!" I have been wanting to try the new fine dining restaurant in Diagon alley, but always put it off not wanting to go by myself.

"I would love to Mione, but I promised Angelina we could go get the last bits for the nursery today," he said sounding scared I might hit him. I completely understood though. Angelina and the baby come first, I can't be mad at him for that.

"That's completely fine George, don't feel bad." He smiled and offered me a hug before moving to the door. I turned to Fred with a smile still on my face. "What about you?" Even if he was technically seeing Diane, I would still love to spend time with him.

"Um, I would love to..." I smiled excited to celebrate my little victory. "But," he said looking down. My smile dropped. "I have plans with Diane. We are going to go shopping for the ball next week."

"Oh," I said trying to hide being upset. I put a smile on my face, the best one I could muster. "So you're not having lunch with me today?"

"I hope that's okay. It's just, she's really excited about it and I need a new suit anyways..." he scratched the back of his head sensing that the conversation was getting awkward.

"Yeah that sounds fun. I didn't know you guys were going." Fred just nodded in reply seeming stuck not knowing what to say.

"I hate to ask, but uh, can you man the shop while I'm gone? It'll only be for a few hours, no more." I stared at him dumbfounded. Not only was he ditching our standing lunch date, but he was asking me to do his job. My fake smile grew even more tight.

"Yeah, sure." Fred grinned hugging me real quick.

"You're the best!" At the time Diane had walked into the shop. When I first met this girl, I did think she was great. Now I can't stand her. I notice the way she dresses, acts, and so much more now. Today she was wearing her usual tight mini skirt and blouse combo. I had to pray my face didn't show my feelings.

"Ready to go Fred?" She asked clinging to his arm as if he'd run off any second. Fred nodded and waved goodbye to me. I didn't wave back. I sat myself on the stool behind their front counter with a heavy sigh. Before I could even realize it, a tear fell down my cheek. A sad laugh left my lips at that. How could I cry for a man I never had in the first place? But it didn't matter what the logical part of me said. My heart won this battle and more tears flowed.

In someway I had convinced myself that he could possibly like me, even after the multiple times he's backed away. He was with another woman and seemed to be happy. Now I was the usual lonely Hermione Granger pining after a man I'll never have. I swiped at my eyes mad that the tears were even there.

"This is fucking ridiculous," I said aloud to myself. I didn't have more time to bask in my pity party due to the front bell ringing. I turned to see the last person I'd expect in a joke shop.

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