Chapter 21- Second Lesson

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"Who's this?" Zahra inquired, raising an eyebrow as she stood in front of both of them.

"Fiona, this is her highness, princess Zahra. She is my student, Fiona Laurence. She is the person I told you I would bring with me today." Owen spoke, introducing both females to each other.

Fiona nodded, bowing to Zahra once again.

"Ok, enough with all this." Zahra sat on the couch facing them, inclined against the couch.

"What we gonna do today?" She asked.

"Today, we will prepare a workout routine for you, Your Highness," Owen spoke, pulling out a few sheets from his bag posed on the table in front of him.

"What?! W-workout?!" Zahra gasped, sitting up straight.

"Yes, Your Highness. Don't worry, I will make sure it's not too hard yet effective," Fiona smiled. "After all, I'm the one in charge of this from now on."

"No, no. I'm not doing this."

"Your Highness..." Owen looked at her with pitiful eyes. "You told me you would do anything unless it involved you not having any snacks."

"What!" Zahra exclaimed. Then, she remembered what she said yesterday.

"Indeed. You told me you would take your classes properly." Owen continued, realizing Zahra had remembered what she told.

"Oh, shut it. I'll do it." Zahra rolled her eyes. "But don't blame me if it doesn't work. A lot of people tried before," Zahra cracked up.

Fiona and Owen nodded at the same time, giving Zajra a faint smile.

Owen found himself feeling a bit anxious about Princess Zahra, as her upbringing differed from that of the other noble ladies he had instructed in the past.

Despite her somewhat childlike manner of speaking and behaving, he also noticed that she was incredibly intelligent. These conflicting aspects left Owen uncertain about his ability to fulfill the queen dowager's request.

"I need to get you to change your clothes. These clothes wouldn't be good for you to wear while exercising," Fiona stated as she made a sign to a maid who was standing in front of the door with her hand.

The maid entered the room with haste, her eyes wide with concern as she worried that the princess might have gotten into trouble with her teachers.

The thought of the queen dowager finding out about the princess's misbehaviour filled her with dread, as she knew that the consequences could be severe.

If the queen dowager discovered what had happened, the princess could very well be at the mercy of the queen dowager's punishment. The queen dowager's punishments were very brutal.

"W-what is it?" The maid hesitantly asked.

"Get a T-shirt and pants for the princess," Fiona ordered.

"The... size?" The maid asked.

Zahra, with a wry smile on her face, shifted her eyes towards the maid and gently tilted her head to the left, her eyebrow raised.

"The same size you used for my dresses," She scoffed. "This palace is filled with dumb people," Zahra mumbled loud enough to be heard. 

"H-however the sizes change depending on the type of clothes—" The maid was interrupted by Fiona who raised her hand, halting her from speaking further.

"Just go. Do as the princess said. Use the same size for her T-shirt and pants," Fiona said.

The maid nodded and bowed to Zahra before exiting the study room in a rush.

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