Chapter 12- Heartless People!

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A black car pulled up in front of the palace. The castle displayed a combination of white and gold shades. The front yard was adorned with marigolds and lilies.

The driver exited the car and graciously opened the door for Emera. After she stood outside the car, he repeated the gesture for Zahra.

A maid had brought Zahra a pair of sandals, placing them near her feet for her to wear. Despite that, Zahra chose to walk ahead without putting on the shoes, leaving Emera dismayed. Quickly regaining her composure, Emera followed Zahra and entered the palace.

Despite Zahra heading first, Emera entered the palace before her.

The king and queen were waiting for the return of the Queen Dowager.

"Mother!" Zayn quickly headed to greet her.

Sameera, still preoccupied, hurriedly greeted the queen.

"Did you bring her back, mother?" Sameera hesitantly asked, fearing a negative reply.

Emera remained silent, waiting for Zahra to appear.

Zahra entered the living room, barefoot.

"Princess Zahra!" Sameera rushed to embrace her daughter. "Where have you been?! I was so worried, my daughter!"

Zahra stood there silently, without any reaction.
"Please sit down," Sameera brought Zahra further next to a sofa and made her sit down.

"Bring some rose water and wash the princess's feet adequately," the queen ordered the maids present in the living room.

Two of the maids nodded and rushed to get the necessary items to complete the task.

Not long after, the maids arrived with a bowl filled with water and rose petals on them along with a soap.

They placed the bowl down, lifting Zahra's feet as they proceeded to wash them up.

To Zahra, her feet weren't muddy. They weren't as muddy as the night she was stuck in the forest nor as dirty as it would get whenever she wandered around the streets and her sandals would break amidst a walk.

After washing her feet, the maids wiped her feet.

"Now, then. Princess Zahra," Emera proceeded to speak. "I hope you can start taking your etiquette classes to prepare for your social debut. You will need to take the etiquettes of Averlyon but also Yurania, since you will stay here after getting married to the crown prince of Yurania."

Zahra dumbfounded, glared at Emera as soon as she mentioned marrying someone.

"The crown prince?" She muttered to herself, remembering Yuden. She scoffed. Her and marrying him? Not possible! Nevertheless, Zahra held back her comment on that topic.

"Why should I listen to you guys?" Zahra questioned.

Zayn let out a sign.

"I assumed she might have a change of heart, but I suppose she will remain this way forever," he paused. "Rude," he amplified.

Zahra suddenly rose to her feet and confidently walked over to Zayn, looking directly into his eyes.

Despite him being taller, Zahra was above average height, so it was no challenge for her to meet his gaze.

Zayn stood his ground, eyebrows raised, as he watched her approach.

"Look, I heard from dad..." Zahra paused. "That man told me you guys were my real family. I don't doubt ya'll. But it will take time for me to accept the truth, don't you think? You can't expect me to start calling you mom, dad, whatever as soon as I learn the truth as if nothing ever happened. I had a whole life out there and now I know that my life was a whole lie—" Zahra paused then turned her feet to walk the stairs. "Leave me alone for a bit. Please," she requested before heading back to where she had escaped.

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