The Jersey

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Scarlet POV:

7 Days later

I just came home from the last training session we had now before the summer break and decided to plan a Trip to Birmingham.I should visit my family and spend more time with them again after the last 10 Years.

I was nearly never home or were there no longer than one week.I thought about it a lot and yeah decided to try and be a family person again after all this time.

I obviously informed my family who were really excited to welcome me in a few weeks and to finally spend more time with me.I just hope they dont try and force me to open up more than i can right now.

I sigh and shower before i change into some more comfortable clothes and cook dinner for myself.

I was in a better place right now mentally and physically.I opened up especially to Leah and my knee surprisingly got a bit better.Im glad that the physio helps me and i can do normal things after all this time.

Yes of course i still have pain after a while and after doing some exhausting things but it got better in this last month and i should be thankful for that.

Leah and i were in a good place ,we didnt have that much contact in the last days but just because Leah was busy which i completely understand since i was a pro athlete too.

She texts me when she gets the opportunity too and obviously if she wants too ,i try and give her some space so she doesnt feel the need to text me which i think was good.

We havent talked about what happend 7 Days ago but im sure neither of us could forget cause i think about it nearly everytime to be honest.

This Kiss was just amazing and how we said goodbye to each other the morning after that was just something else in my eyes.

I sigh when i hear the doorbell ring and wash my hands real quick before i opened the door and a delivery guy stood in front of me

,,Hey..your package" he says and gives me the package ,i look at it confused cause i didnt buy anything or did i ?

But there clearly stands my name so i should just accept it ,,Thanks..have a good day" i say to him and close the door before i lay the package confused down on my kitchen counter.

,,Mhm..lets see" i say and open it with a knife and take the card in my hands

I thought you should show some colours on Sunday
And of course there was no other option than my name on the back.
Call me when you get the package.
I hope it even arrives before Sunday

Your Leah xxx

I chuckle slightly when i read the card and shake my head before i grab my phone and called her.
She should be home by now since it was now 8 p.m

After a few rings she picks up ,,Hey" she says and i grin ,,I got your package Miss Williamson" i say to her and she breaths out relieved.

,,Really ?I already thought it would come tomorrow or even worse on Monday" she says and i lay down my phone and put her on speaker.

I laugh slightly and take out the jersey and shake my head with a grin ,,You know i could have got myself an jersey right ?" i ask her and she chuckles ,,I know but i wanted to give it to you" Leah says and i fold it together again and sigh.

,,Other Question where do i sit tomorrow ?" i ask her and go back to the oven to finish my dinner ,,With my family of will meet them at the enterance like the last time" she says and i look shocked to my phone.

,,Wait..isnt nearly your whole family there ?" i ask her and Leah chuckles ,,I sit next to them the whole Game without you ?Leah..i dont even know them" i say to her.

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