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"Seriously? How are there no berries?" Mari asked the group of teens who had been searching for berries as she kicked a tree.

"The birds could be picking them off. Or- or mice." Akilah replied as she stood up straight.

"I'd eat the crap out of a mouse right now." Van stock out loud causing Ryleigh to do a fake gag as it disgusted her.

"Ew." "Gross." Came from both akilah and mari.

"You know some animals live off eating their own vomit." Lottie stated the fact to the other four girls around her.

"Okay. Thanks for the image lot." Van replied kind of disgusted even after the comment she made not even a minute ago.

"Did dead cabin guy tell you that or do you guys just chat about blood and stuff?" Mari asked taking a hit at Lottie.

"No, we mostly talk about how Danny mears dumped you for his own cousin." Lottie threw back at her as she stood up from being crouched.

The comments had made Ryleigh laugh as it was nothing but true but she tried her best to hide it.

Lottie had walked past mari taking off to a different area to look as mari called after her.

"Hey, they're second cousins. And that's totally legal, you know."

"Doesn't make it not weird." Ryleigh said she walked over to where non of them had really check.

The Martin hadn't been in the right head space after finding out about Shauna's pregnancy. She wasn't herself anyone could tell. She knew she had to tell Shauna she knew eventually she just hadn't figured out how because she didn't want to stress her cause of the baby and she didn't want to cause a scene.

Shauna had started to realise Ryleigh extent of ignoring her and started to grow suspicious.

"Hey, we're heading back." Van shouted catching Ryleigh attention as she started walking back to them.


Ryleigh had been awake unable to sleep as van and tai had came in together quietly.

Ryleigh had been sleeping downstairs again not wanting to have to sleep next to Shauna.

As they both came in Ryleigh had gave her a teasing look as to say 'what were you two doing by yourself' as van flipped her off then came back and laid down beside her.


The next day they'd all been searching again for more food.

"I never thought I'd be desperate enough to eat a rabbit." Jackie spoke to them.

"Desperate times come with desperate measures." Ryleigh told her as she stood beside the girl.

"Oh well." Jackie said as Shauna stood up propert.

"I mean, what even is a rabbit? A squirrel with floppy ears and Pom-pom on its ass?" Jackie asked the other two causing Ryleigh to laugh which shocked the other two cause they rarely seen Ryleigh smile no matter laugh in the last few days.

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