April 2nd, 2013

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Quick a/n here. I want to thank everyone who read, voted for, commented on and just plain enjoyed the first book. Especially those fans I grew so close with during that first book. Kara, Isaac, I love you guys to pieces. ALSO those two have been a HUGE help to me when I've been stuck. They'll be helping me a lot on this one too. Isaac will be, hopefully if he's still interested, cowriting on some chapters because he's got wonderful ideas! Bruce is Kara's character, his description, name, personality, even his weapon, was her creation. She's also an awesome writer and has helped me get my head back on when I'm feeling like I'm not writing so well.

CARRIE, you started this with me from the very first zombie tips list that started this whole idea. You're always there to edit, read and okay every chapter. My sister in law, my bestie, my editor and my room mate :-) I couldn't write this without you.

Pops....also there to read over a chapter when I need it and give me one shot ideas (i.e. Bigfoot lol)

Anywho, I'm super excited about this new book, I'm seriously looking forward to writing another good one for you all and I'm hoping you all enjoy this one just as much.

And if I've forgotten a few other names, no worries I'm sure I'll be adding more shout outs to the best of my awesome Z.D. (and now Z.J.) horde.

April 2nd, 2013


We were on the move again. The bunker was long since lost to us, having been overrun just a few days after Jordan's death. We almost didn't make it out of there but somehow, miraculously, we escaped the horde that had managed to gain entry.

That was months ago though. Old news for us in our new world.


We were now camped out in an abandoned motel in Texas. Being well off the beaten path in its heyday, it was obviously never a five star resort but the passing months and groups of raiding parties that had come through had made it bleak, barren.

Smashed windows and busted doors made for an unsafe place to stay but we fortified the best we could. Broken up shelves, chairs and desks, along with nails found in the maintenance closet, sealed the open entrances, leaving us with just one way in and one way out. A window, large enough for us to climb through and high enough that anything outside couldn't easily get in, was our door to the outside world.

A step ladder sat against the wall, making us getting through a simple task but with Bre already showing, we realized we had to leave this place while she could still move easily. We needed somewhere safer, we needed help.

We also still needed to bring the papers Bre got a hold of months ago to someone who could put a stop to the goings on of the group in Oregon that had started this whole mess.

I was at a loss. The area was unfamiliar and I had no clue how to save the family I'd aquired these last months. Protecting the girls I now viewed as my sisters and Bre's mother who had become like my own, was my top priority.


The weeks after Jordan's death proved Karen to be a formidable opponent to the many undead we encountered in our wanderings. I grew to love and respect the tiny woman who could take out a zombie just as fast, if not faster, than any of her younger comrades.

She explained to us that she'd gone to Tillamook Head herself to look for Bre, hitting up many small towns along the way. She'd even stopped in one to trade her family brooch for some gas and food, the same one Bre found and Jordan gave to her just a week after her mother had been through. She was ecstatic upon hearing that Bre had found the brooch, explaining that it was a 'mother's instinct' that told her where her daughter would be heading.

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