˗ˏˋ29: Keefe'ˎ˗

293 15 101

Noah really thought he was all that, huh? Parading around with Sophie on his arm, making a big show of hugging her and kissing her cheek whenever they got near me. He'd be flipping me off behind Sophie's back. I wanted to punch that guy in the face.

I really wish I could punch that guy in the face. I almost had my chance in the parking lot on the first day back from winter break, but I couldn't have done that. It was already going to get back to my parents that I was almost in a fight, not to mention how ballistic they would've been if we had actually "scuffled," in my mom's words. They couldn't stop me from dreaming about it, though. He just had such a punchable face, I don't know how I didn't realize it before.

I only wish I could tell Sophie how bad he was for her, all the things he'd threatened to do, but if I did he'd actually go through with it. And it's better if he's nice to her but I have to deal with them acting like a mushy couple rather than her being hurt or in pain.

Or any of the other nasty things that slime threatened to do to her. That's what he'd been telling me, that's why I shoved him in the parking lot. It hurts me when he threatens to hurt her, of course it does. But what he'd been saying, he'd gone way too far and I couldn't take it. I snapped. I only wish I'd gotten in some good hits before coming to my senses.

At least Sophie wouldn't get hurt. All I need to do is make sure she spends the least amount of time possible with Noah without it being suspicious. And honestly, she doesn't even have to be spending that time with me. As long as I know she's safe from him, that's all I need.

You know, that's actually a good idea. Yeah, I'm going to tell Biana and Tam. I created a group chat on Snapchat with the two of them (never thought I would, but there's a first time for everything) and typed out the longest text of my life. I explained what I had been thinking before. I also ran through everything that had happened in the parking lot, everything he said.

I got an immediate reply from Biana.


She also had some knife emojis, making it more cute than scary.

Bangs Boi: Me too. He's not going to hurt a single hair on her head. I won't let him.

That text made me raise my eyebrows. For one, why was Bangs Boy always so formal in his texting? It's weird. No one does that anymore. For two, do I sense a little enemies to friends? To me it sounds like he's starting to care about her. I was definitely going to tease him relentlessly for that.

BeeBee: oh also Fitz knows too, can we add him?

I did as soon as I finished reading the message.

Fitzypoo: Is this about Sophie and Noah?

I gasped, shocked that he immediately knew.

Me: yeah how'd you know?

Fitzypoo: Group chat name.

I gasped again, shocked that I didn't notice Biana changed the name to "How to kill Noah and get away with it." A little long if you ask me, but I liked it well enough.

Me: then i'm sure you know what we're planning too.

Fitzypoo: Obviously. I'm on board, is there a plan yet?

Bangs Boi: Not yet, though you know his death will be painful, especially after the new information.

Fitzypoo: Wait, what new information?

I copied and pasted my previous message so he'd be able to read through it. It's safe to say, he was just as angry as the rest of us. We continued to talk, going through a bunch of different plans that would get us thrown in jail by the FBI agents watching our phones. Once it got late, I told them goodnight, went out and told my parents goodnight, went back to my room, then snuck out the window.

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